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HUD Funds help provide


By Fred Ploegman


"Before" scene shows no vacant lot which was degrading to entire neighborhood.


"After" scene shows how attractive and useful the vacant lot became when the park district and the community got together.

In LaGrange, the Park District recognized a need for a Park and Play Area in the community to serve children eight years old and under. The Park District realized the need to improve their methods of securing play areas and programs for the betterment of the Community.

In early 1970, the Park District Planning Committee found four vacant continuous lots filled with junk and decaying trees. Preliminary plans were drawn up for the improvement and use by the Planning Committee. In January 1970, initial contact was made by the Park District of LaGrange with Housing and Urban Development Administration requesting financial assistance under the "Park in Cities" program. This was accompanied by an estimate of acquisition, development and administrative costs and a statement of commitment to acquire the land and complete development within one year. With a combination of Park District of La-Grange tax funds and fifty-fifty matching Federal funds from Housing and Urban development, monies were obtained to purchase three of the four adjoining lots for $2,500 each with condemnation being required on the fourth. The court award was made for the fourth lot so an area of 125' x 100' was acquired for playground development.

With the land available, the Park District of LaGrange faced the development of the area, including tree removal, considerable land fill, sewers, water lines, sidewalks, fencing, sodding and landscaping, as well as selective placement and installation of playground equipment.

After proper notice of bidding was completed, Leisure Facilities of Northfield, Illinois was awarded the contract which contained not only the lowest bid but the most comprehensive plan.

Work was started April 1, 1971, and completed June 22, 1971, in time for the summer session. After the Sawyer Playground was completed and opened, the community pitched in and gave volunteer supervision and protection to the area.

In a location that could bring vandalism, community pride took over with the youngsters doing their own policing of the area.

The Park District of LaGrange was gratified to receive such neighborhood appreciation and cooperation. Because of its unique motive, the Tot-Lot has had a positive effect on improving neighborhood relations as well as community pride.

Sawyer Park is the only existing playground designed for the eight year old and under in the Park District of LaGrange. Children of preschool and school age were given the possibility of active play within their residential area. Such play areas provide attractive surroundings, as well as functional play apparatus. Children now have an area where they can play without danger to themselves or annoyance to others.

With the response that this park has received locally, the Park District Board is in the process of developing another similar facility in the business district area of La-Grange.

Fred Ploegman is Director of the La Grange Park District.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 19 July/August, 1972

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