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A student gels into the swing of things . . . with a new experience in fun and fitness. The class is proving to be very popular.

Professional dancer serves as instructor for the class . . . she teaches the history and philosophy as well as the actual art of dancing.

Belly Dancing .... a new activity

BELLY DANCING . . . . no, not a course to prepare you for your husbands next business convention, but a new way for fun and fitness. Belly dancing, an ancient art form, is growing in popularity. In the olden days, it was a way of entertainment for the Sheiks and their guests. Today, it is a way of controlling weight and toning muscles.

Naperville Park District began its first series of belly dance lessons in February, for housewives 25 years and older. Each press release brought in more callers. Responses were mixed. "Belly Dance, what are you promoting?" .... "Belly Dance, how exciting, when can we register?" or "Belly Dance, what about the preservation of gems; how can you waste them in navels?"

At the first lesson, the excitement was high; mixed with worried anticipation and self consciousness. Some ladies appeared in baggy jeans and sweatshirts while the more daring wore leotards. The instructor, a professional dancer, wore a halter-type outfit and black tights. She told the ladies that this type of outfit would be more appropriate because they would see their torso move.

Each lesson is proceeded by a series of warm up exercises involving the legs, torso, pelvis, arms and neck. Warm up is followed by a dance routine. At each lesson new steps were added. One lady was heard to remark that, "One belly dance lesson is equivalent to 8 hours on a job." And, she's right. Did you ever try to do a cobra while on your knees?

Throughout the lessons, handouts were given to the ladies.

They have a breakdown of the dance steps for practice at home. The instructor even brought one of her costumes to demonstrate how easy they are to make. Veiling, sequines, a halter top and you're all set.

By the end of the lessons, the ladies were asking for more .... Intermediate lessons, for the more daring, include a veil dance. Evening lessons for career girls and those who have husbands who will babysit were also scheduled.

The Park District does not advocate the making of professional dancers, but does assure the ladies of Naperville a new experience in fun and fitness. Can you imagine the response from friends when you are asked, "what's new"?

Illinois Parks and Recreation 22 July/August, 1972

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