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Positions Open

SUPERINTENDENT OF RECREATION (Salary Open) College Degree in Parks and Recreation Administration or related field plus at least one year of experience. Good Fringe benefits. Contact: K. Ross Ricks, Director of Parks and Recreation, 130 West Army Trail Road, Addison, Illinois 60101. Telephone (312) 643-0050.

RECREATION SUPERVISOR (Male) Starting Salary ($7,500 to $8,000) Responsible for men's and boy's athletics, swimming pools and outdoor ice rinks. B.S. Degree in Recreation or related field. Experience preferred. Background in sports and athletics, aquatics, and recreation programming. Contact: David L. Markworth, Recreation Superintendent, Des Plaines Park District, 748 Pearson Street, Des Plaines, Illinois 60018.

SUPERINTENDENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION (Salary $13,000) Full-time position to oversee the maintenance of parks, facilities, and development of new park sites. Must have knowledge of pools, both indoor and outdoor. Degree in park management or three years experience in park district required. Good fringe benefits including car allowance and conference attendance. Contact: Wheeling Park District, 222 S. Wolf Road, Wheeling, Illinois 60090.

ACTIVITY THERAPIST (Salary $8,300) B.A. Degree in Industrial Arts. Contact: Angelo F. Zocchi, M.D., Acting Superintendent, Galesburg State Research Hospital, Galesburg, Illinois 61401. Telephone (309) 342-4141.

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR NORTHERN SUBURBAN SPECIAL RECREATION ASSOCIATION (Salary Open) B.A. Degree in parks and recreation or special education. Administrative experience desired. Contact: Fred B. McGlone, 760 Red Oak Lane, Highland Park, Illinois 60035. Telephone (312) 831-5100.

ACTIVITY THERAPIST III REGISTERED OCCUPATION THERAPIST (Salary $824 to $1,130 Per month) Contact: Mike Higgins, Kankakee State Hospital, 100 East Jefferson Street, Kankakee, Illinois 60901. Telephone (815) 939-8011.

RECREATION SUPERVISOR (Salary $7,200 to $8,000) B.S. Degree or related field. Include resume in first writing. Contact: Alex J. Marx, Director, Mundelein Park District, 100 N. Seymour, Mundelein, Illinois 60060. Telephone (312) 357-2180.

DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION (Salary Open) Opportunity for a qualified person skilled in park management. Contact: Anthony Tyznik, The Morton Arboretum, Lisle, Illinois 60532. Phone (312) 964-2324. (Position is for Lisle Park District.)

DIRECTOR OF RECREATION (Salary $7,500 to $8,500) B.S. Degree in public recreation. Contact: Robert Hope, General Superintendent, Oak Lawn Park District, 9400 S. Kenton, Oak Lawn, Illinois 60453.

New Mini Park for Urbana

This "before" and "after" picture shows what can be done with a little initiative plus community support.

Between the Urbana Park District and the Champaign County Development Council Foundation (CCDC), a not-for-profit group, the Urbana Mobile Mini Park became a reality.

The new mini park is located at a major Urbana downtown intersection. "Before" the development of the park became a reality, the corner was a vacant dilapidated lot. Now the "after" scene shows a beautiful green and restful corner in the heart of the business community.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 32 July/August, 1972

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