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Profile .... will be a permanent column in future issues of ILLINOIS PARKS AND RECREATION. Each issue will feature a Commissioner and a Professional who has made an outstanding contribution over the years to the field of parks, recreation and conservation in Illinois.

Persons who would like to submit candidates for consideration, should direct them to the Editor, Illinois Parks & Recreation Magazine, First National Bank Bldg., Springfield, Illinois 62701. A black and white glossy picture should accompany the brief resume of each candidate.

The Editorial Committee will screen the nominations and make the final decision of which entries will be published.

A Professional. . .

Robert D. Ems

Robert D. Ems is presently serving as Director of Parks, Recreation and Airport for the Canton Park District and has been actively involved in Illinois park and recreation work for the past 15 years.

He holds a B.S. degree from Southern Illinois University and an M.S. degree in Park and Recreation Management from the University of Illinois. While at SIU he was an outstanding varsity football and baseball player.

Under Ems direction during the past four years, the district has received donations of 550 acres of land valued at $600,000 and cash donations of $150,000.

The Canton Park District is one of only a few park districts in Illinois that owns and manages an airport.

Other developments going on at the present time involves an 18 hole municipal golf course and a 40 acre lake now in the design stages.

Bob was named the first "Canton Man of the Year" in 1970 for his outstanding contribution to the park and recreation field. Active with the Illinois Park and Recreation Society and Illinois Association of Park Districts, Bob has served as a part-time instructor at the University of Illinois and appeared on panels at local, state and regional educational conferences.

In addition to his professional contributions, he finds time to serve his local community through the YMCA, Red Cross, Community Chest and Boy Scouts.

His church consumes much of his time where he serves as a Senior High School teacher and chairman of the financial committee.

A Commissioner...

Daniel J. Shannon

Daniel J. Shannon was appointed president of the Chicago Park District in 1969 immediately following the death of William H. McFetridge. At age 35, this made him the youngest person to ever hold the top position of the district.

By profession, he is a CPA having graduated from Notre Dame where he was co-captain of Frank Leahy's last great football team. He was a top draft choice of the Chicago Bears but declined their offer to begin his business career.

Shannon plunged into his new job as park chief with enthusiasm and determination. Really he had two new jobs to learn, since he was named president of Werner-Kennelly Moving and Storage Company at about the same time as becoming park district president.

Shannon learned the philosophy of parks and recreation by making personal visits and tours of all the parks and programs with his family on weekends. He even toured some of the parks at lunch time rather than eating.

As president of the district, he is chief policy maker for a budget of $82 million dollars, 514 parks and playgrounds, about 4,500 employes and a multitude of different programs and recreational activities. This includes the Special Olympics for the Mentally Retarded which has gained national recognition.

He has been described as "very demanding" and expects each employee to do their job, and a little more. But he is a very friendly person and finds time to visit and "kid" with everyone from the janitors on up.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 4 September/October, 1972

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