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Brightbill Banquet

The Sixth Annual Charles K. Brightbill Awards Banquet was planned, programmed and carried out by the major students in Recreation and Park Administration from the University of Illinois on April 24.

The site for this affair was the Redwood Inn in Rantoul just 15 miles north of the University. Over 140 students, faculty, alumni, and guests gathered to honor the memory of Charles K. Brightbill, former head of the Department and one of the country's outstanding recreators. James Jones of Champaign, received the coveted undergraduate student award, based on personality, academic excellence and character, from Mrs. Beth Brightbill Allen.

Mrs. I. Eugene Willis, the former Mrs. Brightbill, presented the Alumni Award to Howard Gregg, General Manager of the Milwaukee County Parks Department.

The speaker for the evening was Willard Brown, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the National Recreation and Parks Association.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 5 September/October, 1972

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