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Congress for Recreation and Parks

OCTOBER 3-6, 1972

The 1972 Congress for Recreation and Parks October 3-6 in Anaheim, California, is expected to attract more than 5,000 delegates, the National Recreation and Park Association has announced.

The delegates, most of them members of NRPA which sponsors the annual event, represent a broad spectrum of park and recreation professionals and policy makers, including federal, state and local administrators and planners, board and commission members, recreation therapists, educators and students.

The Congress, which will be headquartered in the Anaheim Convention Center, will be preceded by three days of institutes and symposiums, October 1-3. Subjects include legislative planning, maintenance management, therapeutic recreation and military recreation.

More than 150 educational sessions, workshops and seminars on all phases of park, recreation and leisure activities are scheduled during the Congress.

The Congress, which has been held annually since 1907, will also include the Nation's major exposition of recreation equipment and supplies, building projects and structures, parkland maintenance equipment, fast food service equipment, pools and handicrafts.

For further information on the Congress contact Sidney G. Lutzin, National Recreation and Park Association, 1601 N. Kent Street, Arlington, Virginia 22209. Telephone (703) 525-0606.


President Nixon told aides recently to twist bureaucratic arms to convert more surplus federal land into recreational areas under his "legacy of parks" program.

Pointing to a map in his Oval Office, he told members of the Federal Property Review Commission that the government owns more than half the land in some western states and added: "That's ridiculous. We don't need it."

The government has made a start, but has a long way to go in releasing land for park and recreational use. To date 144 new parks in 39 states has been released.


Portable hockey rink, 85' x 160', consisting of 56 4x8 panels and 4 4x6 panels for snow removal. Complete with team gates and penalty gates. All panels bolted together with 2x4 kick bracing every other panel. One year old — reasonable price. For further information contact: Gilbert Magida, Director, Golf Maine Park District, 9229 Emerson St., Des Plaines, Ill. 60016, (312) 297-3000.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 36 September/October, 1972

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