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There will be new sounds in Lockport next year. . . . The happy shouts and noisy echoes that only a swimming pool can bring. Adults and children alike will be benefiting from an indoor swimming facility resulting from earnest efforts by the Lockport Township Park District Board of Park Commissioners, staff, and community organizations.

The Lockport Township Park District received $225,000 from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development as matching funds for its new indoor swimming pool. This grant to the Park District is the first of its type in Illinois for an indoor swimming facility.

The pool grant was based upon Lockport Township Park District local need to serve a low-income area, having a comprehensive master plan, relevance of good program objectives, capacity to administer the pool, providing local equal employment and ability to further help community development.

H.U.D. provided great cooperation in taking only fifty-five days to review the application and getting approval from Washington. The local state and federal senators and representatives gave full cooperation and support in getting the facility approved.

What will the pool be like? McFadzean and Everly, Limited, architects for the project, have endeavored to create an indoor-outdoor feeling for this Natatorium. The facility includes a 75' x 42' aluminum pool with two-one meter diving boards. The bath-house consists of complete facilities, duplicated for both men and women. This facility consists of toilets, shower room, changing and locker area, a mechanical room and a pool control office overlooking the Natatorium. A large sun deck accessable from the pool through nine glass doors and skydomes will be used to accomplish an outdoor atmosphere. The pool itself has a depth of 3' at its shallow end enabling competitive swimming. The maximum depth of the hopper was designed to be 10'. The Natatorium is one phase of a Sports Complex that eventually will consist of an artificial ice arena, an outdoor swimming pool, a gymnasium and a Park District administration office.

The new indoor pool contract was awarded for $490,000. The project will be completed in 1973.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 31 November/December, 1972

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