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Illinois Association of Park Districts
Illinois Park and Recreation Society

IT IS THE INTENT OF the Illinois Association of Park Districts and the Illinois Park and Recreation Society to cooperate in many areas where it will be mutually beneficial to do so, and specifically in publication of the magazine ILLINOIS PARKS AND RECREATION and in operation of the Joint Annual Conference.

In order that the Boards of each organization may agree in principle to the relationship being established, understand the duties and responsibilities of each organization, and may delegate the necessary authority for carrying on the working relationship on a day-to-day basis, it is proposed that the two Boards establish a JOINT COMMITTEE.

The JOINT COMMITTEE would consist of three members of the Association and three members of the Society designated by their respective Boards. It is contemplated these people would be the current President, Past - President, and President Elect of their respective Boards, but it would be within the discretion of each organization to designate their three members.

The Boards of the Association and the Society would retain policy making power, but would delegate operational decisions to the JOINT COMMITTEE with certain guidelines. Guidelines could be changed or supplemented by the affirmative action of both Boards. It would be the desire of both Boards to give the JOINT COMMITTEE sufficient latitude to operate and make day-to-day decisions and resolve minor differences of opinion, since the full Boards do not meet often enough to accomplish these purposes. The JOINT COMMITTEE would have responsibility for operation of the Annual Conference and publication and content of the magazine. A minimum of two people from each organization will be required to form a quorum. The JOINT COMMITTEE will elect a chairman and vice chairman and meet on a regular schedule set by the Committee. A majority vote of those present would be required for action of the JOINT COMMITTEE.


Commencing January 1, 1973, under the supervision of the JOINT COMMITTEE the staff of the Society will perform the functions of lay-out Editor. A job description will be drafted by the JOINT COMMITTEE and submitted to both Boards for approval no later than February 15th, 1973. The service to be furnished shall include the functions of lay-out, publication, and the clerical duties associated therewith. For this service the Association will pay the Society $4,000 per calendar year at a monthly rate of $333.33.

Both the Association and the Society will make efforts to expand the circulation and influence of the magazine, and maintain an advertising sales program. Both organizations reserve the right to place organizational announcements in the magazine at no charge.

The Society and the Association wish to share any deficit incurred in publication and distribution of the magazine on an equal basis. The JOINT COMMITTEE would have authority to determine such deficit with the following guidelines:

MAGAZINE REVENUES would include, but not be limited to, advertising fees, subscriber fees, copy sales, directory sales, and a percentage of Associate membership fees to be determined by the JOINT COMMITTEE.

MAGAZINE COSTS would include, but not be limited to, printing, postage and handling, travel expenses, salary for lay-out and clerical work, addressograph plates, and a reasonable allowance to be determined by the JOINT COMMITTEE for additional staff services for advertising and promotion.

The JOINT COMMITTEE would assume responsibility for supervision of the magazine as follows:

CONTENT—approve all articles and editorials. Rejected material may be appealed to the two Boards.

EXPENSES—establish rules and standards for authorized expenses entailed in publication and distribution under the guidelines and as may be agreed upon by a majority of the Committee.

PERSONNEL—approve employment of staff.

The Association shall be the repository of the magazine account, and on December 1st of each year, or on the publication date of the last issue of the magazine in the calendar year, the Association will present a complete financial statement of the magazine account to the JOINT COMMITTEE. Upon recommendation of the JOINT COMMITTEE and approval of both Boards, the Society will pay one half of the total net loss to the Association. Settlement should be completed by January 31st of the following year.


The Association and the Society wish to share any profits of the Joint Annual Conference on an equal basis starting with the 1973 Conference. The Boards of the Association and the Society will continue to make policy decisions such as fees and charges and overall conference budget, determination of location and dates, and such other policy matters as the boards agree they wish to control directly. The authority to operate the Conference, establish rules and standards for authorized expenses, and determine how the profit is to be computed would be delegated to the JOINT COMMITTEE with certain guidelines:

Profits would be computed on a

Illinois Parks and Recreation 6 March/April, 1973

conference basis and not on a calendar year or fiscal year basis.

Items not considered legitimate conference expense unless approved by the JOINT COMMITTEE would include:

Entertainment or social expense of Society or Association staff or officers;

Annual meeting expenses of either organization;

Staff services of either organization;

Cost of use of any equipment owned by either organization.

Legitimate conference expenses would include but not be limited to hotel charges, speakers and entertainment previously approved by the JOINT COMMITTEE, printing of promotional material and program of the Conference, postage, travel expense and additional part-time clerical help. The JOINT COMMITTEE would establish rules and standards for the responsible expenses to be allowed, with specific attention to expenses to be allowed for travel and expenses entailed in promotion, obtaining exhibitors, advertisers for the program, etc.

The JOINT COMMITTEE will authorize necessary accounting procedures for the convention.

Legitimate conference revenues would include, but not be limited to, registration fees, exhibitor fees, and fees collected for special entertainment.

The Association shall be the repository of the conference account, and a preliminary statement of the profit or loss of the conference shall be furnished by the Association to the JOINT COMMITTEE within thirty days after the Conference.

Upon approval and recommendation by the JOINT COMMITTEE an immediate partial payment may be made to the Society of one-fourth of the amount shown to be the total profit. After approval of the statement by both Boards at their January meetings, an additional payment shall be made to accomplish the 50-50 split in profits of the Conference.

The AGREEMENT will be on a calendar year basis starting January 1, 1973, and will be automatically renewed if no notice to renegotiate is received by September 30th by either the Association or the Society. This Agreement replaces any existing agreements.



Illinois Parks and Recreation 7 March/April, 1973

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