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From the desk of:

Executive Vice President

By Eugene Berghoff

As of April 16, 1973, 176 districts have paid 1973 dues.

The Boards of Directors of IAPD and IPRS have approved Stouffer's Riverfront Inn as the site for our 1974 Annual Conference.

You can obtain, from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printers Office, Washington, D. C. 20402, a copy of "The 1970 Survey of Outdoor Recreation Activities," for the price of $1.00.

Federally-funded bike ways are on the way, and right behind them, 100 million cycling Americans. Dramatic reaffirmation of the principal that bikes are rightful road users and thus rightful sharers of highway funds has come as Democratic and Republican Senators alike voted in tandem to approve Senate Bill 502, submitted by majority members Jennings Randolph (D-W. Va.), and Lloyd Bentsen (D-Tex.)

Look at the junk we're piling up each year: 80 billion cans, 38 billion bottles, 40 million tons of paper, 180 million old tires and seven million junked automobiles. The trash problem is getting serious and it's even more distressing when you see garbage and junk spread along our highways.

Anthony T. Dean, Department of Conservation director, announced April 3 that more than 400 summer jobs in state parks, memorials and conservation areas will be filled by the Department, with veterans having first preference, particularly veterans of the Vietnam War. Application may be made by contacting the Division of Parks and Memorials (217-525-6752) to arrange an interview in Springfield, or at one of several interview locations throughout the state.

Entry forms for the Awards Program and the Photography Contest are available from KEEP AMERICA BEAUTIFUL, INC., 99 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10016. Nominations must be received at the KAB office in New York by August 31, 1973.

The national impact of recreation land sales and leisure home development will be assessed under a $150,000 joint study funded by the President's Council on Environmental Quality and the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

continued on page 5

IAPD and IPRS believe that the democratic process functions best through frank and open discussion. Material published in this magazine, therefore often presents divergent and controversial points of view which do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the two sponsoring organizations.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 3 July/August, 1973


continued from page 3

In announcing the contract, CEQ Chairman Russell Train expressed his hope that the study would help to solve "our number one environmental problem today—the land use dilemma." Tremendous growth in the leisure home industry and inadequate or non-existent planning and control in rural areas combine to create this problem. For purposes of the study, leisure homes include large and small scale development, individual homes, mobile home parks and privately owned tenting communities.

The contract will be executed for CEQ and HUD by the American Society of Planning Officials, the Conservation Foundation, the Urban Institute, and Professor Richard Ragatz of the University of Oregon.

The initial portion of the study, which covers supply and demand figures and a market projection for the year 2000, is scheduled for completion by mid-September. The remainder, including case studies, development and testing of new procedures to effectively regulate development, and a review of existing state and local land use regulations, is expected by the end of the year.


to the Illinois Association of Park Districts helps insure the continuance of the Association's programs which you now support through your membership.


"I hereby give, devise and bequeath to the Illinois Association of Park Districts, an Illinois not-for-profit corporation, St. George Bldg— Suite 206, 300 East Monroe Street, Springfield, Illinois, the sum of (dollars) (other gift as described here) to be used for the general purposes of said Association."

Illinois Parks and Recreation 5 July/August, 1973

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