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By Eugene Berghoff

The Illinois Breakfast held in conjunction with the 1973 N.R.P.A. Congress was a great success. In Washington, D.C., Wednesday morning at 7:30 a.m., October 3, 1973 at the Shoreham Hotel some two-hundred delegates from Illinois gathered to hear U.S. Senator Charles H. Percy and U.S. Senator Adiai E. Stevenson III.

Allan A. Weissburg, President, Skokie Park District and President-Elect of I.A.P.D. was chairman and introduced Robert A. Stuart, General Counsel and Legislative Representative for I.A.P.D. as Master of Cermonies.

Paul Roberts, President of the Central Area Park District and a member of the I.A.P.D. Board of Directors was also seated at the speakers table.

Senator Percy in referring to Federal Revenue Sharing stated that he favored Illinois Park Districts participating in and receiving Federal Revenue Sharing Funds, along with general purpose governments. He further stated that he would favor our participation in the Illinois State Income Tax which at the present time applies only to municipalities and counties. He commented that even though Illinois ranks fifth in population we are 46th, of the 50 states, in having National Parks located in Illinois.

Senator Stevenson concurred generally in the comments of Senator Percy and indicated that he felt the Federal Government was not contributing a sufficient amount to Local Park Systems in Illinois. Stating that he had originally opposed the concept of Federal Revenue Sharing he suggested that in the event the current Federal Revenue Sharing Program could not be amended to include Illinois Park Districts he would support new legislation giving additional assistance to them through other programs.

Congressman George M. O'Brien (R) 17th District; Joliet, Illinois, was also present and pledged his complete cooperation to assist in providing additional Federal support.

Robert A. Stuart commented on our Illinois Legislative Program, urging all districts to immediately contact members of the Illinois General Assembly to assist in over-riding Governor Walker's veto of House Bill 586, which appropriates $60 million dollars to replace lost revenues from Personal Property Tax.

Mr. Weissburg thanked all in attendance and urged their continued support to build a stronger and more effective Association.

So many favorable comments were received from those present that I am sure the Illinois Breakfast will be continued as an annual event during the NRPA Congress.

By Kay Kastel

Hope to see all of you at the Illinois Park and Recreation Conference November 15-18. A special table will be set aside on Saturday morning 8 a.m. at the Potpourri Breakfast for IPRS and its branches. Feel free to visit bringing your questions and comments.

Membership applications for 1974 have been sent out. We ask that each member fill out a separate application (no lists from departments), since our new filing system is set up to hold only the new applications.

Dues should be paid by November 1,1973.

IPRS has excelled all past membership figures. Congratulations to all the strong supporters of your professional organization. In 1972 membership totaled 872; the 1973 figure reveals 1,304 members.

With all of your help, next year will bring increased membership, participation, and services through IPRS.

The new IPRS Board takes office at the Annual Meeting November 16, at 8:30 a.m. at the Conference. They need your continuing support and willingness to work. Ideas and suggestions are always welcome. Don't hesitate to call.

Some of you probably attended the NRPA Congress in Washington, D.C. Several of our members received recognition. Bob Toalson was elected to the APRS Board of Directors; Dr. Joseph Bannon was elected Chairman of the Great Lakes District Council; Kay Kastel was elected Chairman of State Editors. We wish them luck in their endeavors.

Congratulations to the Arlington Heights Park District for being a Gold Medal Finalist (see page 13). This exemplifies the quality parks and recreation programs that we have in Illinois.

This is a very busy time in our office. You will receive membership cards, and your correspondence will be answered as soon as possible. Thank you.

See you next issue.

IAPD and IPRS believe that the democratic process functions best through frank and open discussion. Material published in this magazine, therefore often presents divergent and controversial points of view which do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the two sponsoring organizations.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 3 November/December, 1973

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