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New Director of the Illinois Department of Conservation

Anthony T. Dean's background of conservation activities and outdoor interests, natural enthusiasm and affinity for hard work were major factors in his selection by Gov. Dan Walker last January as director of the Illinois Department of Conservation.

Dean was heavily involved in founding the Illinois Planning and Conservation League, a laymen's lobbying organization formed to improve legislation and administration affecting Illinois natural resources. He also founded, edited and published the league's "Environmental News."

He has served as an advisor to several conservation groups, including the Great Lakes chapter of the Sierra Club, and has participated in numerous seminars on ecology and conservation at colleges and universities.

A native of Kansas, he graduated Cum Laude with Exceptional Distinction from the economics department of Yale University, then studied for two years at University of Chicago law school. He has been a consultant in computer sciences to First National City Bank of New York City and Chicago Title and Trust Company.

The director and his family now live in Chatham, Ill.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 5 November/December, 1973

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