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whats up with STUDENTS

By Chip Huge

The Student Branch held their September meeting at Eastern Illinois University in Charleston. The turnout was excellent. Fifty students from 7 schools were in attendance. This was a definite improvement in attendance compared to last year in Decatur at which only eight or nine students attended. The business meeting was very productive and it looks like a great start for another fantastic year. Afterwords, what could be more enjoyable than lots of friendly faces, a glowing campfire, and a beautiful starry sky? All in all, it was a total success!

Scoop From The Schools

The WIU Recreation Society has had numerous activities this year. A student-faculty picnic was held featuring a hair-raising volleyball game. Once again, the students succumbed. Also, a successful bike hike was hosted by the Society to the capitol of Forgotonca, 25 miles from Macomb. A canoe trip has been planned to the Middle Fork River near Champaign.

At ISU things are happening, too. The kick off event for the year was a pizza party. At present, the society is planning a canoe trip and picnic. Kay Kastel was guest speaker at a fall meeting and a successful Freshman - Sophomore Fun Night was held. Work has begun on the regional conference.

Southern hosted an ITRS workshop at Little Grassy for the professionals. All the workshops were informative, especially the one presented by the Special Olympics. It was rainy but still it seemed a success to all that went. The students had a Spook Walk for the Halloween festivities in Carbondale's Park District. Watch out you little devils!

Recreationwise, Eastern has been having a few things happening also. To start the year, there was a cook out at the Campus Lake for those interested in the Recreation Club. It was a great success. In cooperation with the city of Charleston's Recreation Department, the Rec Club is participating in the Easter Seal Bike-a-thon.

Officers for some of the clubs are:

President: Vince Castellones
Vice President: Bonnie Blaford
Treasurer: Julia Mettauer
Secretary: Connie Smith

President: John Mialno
Vice President: Frank Velde
Treasurer: Tom Bruegges
Secretary: Kathy Howard

President: Roger Schaljo
Vice President: Mike Sterba
Treasurer: Pam Tooke
Secretary: Nance Williams

President: George Whitehead
Vice President: Mark Degler
Treasurer: Emil Dumbrowski
Secretary: Connie Anderson

President: Barb Ross
Vice President: Bob Wall
Treasurer: Alice Novak
Secretary: Elaine Moats

(Editor's note: Students from all schools are urged to contribute to this column. Send your articles to Chip Huge, R. R. No. 5, Box 134A, Carbondale, Ill. 62901)

Illinois Parks and Recreation 30 January/February, 1974

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