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By Kay Kastel


Congratuations are in order for the IPRS Workshop Committee under the chairmanship of Jim Talley. They did an excellent job in planning informative, educational seminars for the professionals. All members are urged to submit topics for the 1975 workshop.

The Therapeutic Branch of IPRS recently sponsored seminars for their members. The ITRS Board and Committees are also to be congratulated for their excellent display of participation and service to their members.

By now most of the Society's standing committees have begun to operate fully. The Sports and Activities Committee has held the state basketball, volleyball, and several other tournaments. There is still time to enter some of the summer tournaments.

The Conference Committee has an excellent program planned for St. Louis. Mark November 21-24 on your calendar now and plan to attend!

The Ways and Means Committee has sent the IPRS travel program to all members (see also page 33). I urge all of you who plan to attend the NRPA Congress to send in the application even without the deposit. Response has been slow, and the Denver hotel needs a list of tentative registrations by June 1, 1974 or our space will be cancelled.

Remember this travel program was designed to help you and your department save money, and at the same time to financially help our professional organization. Act Now!!

The Legislative Committee has submitted a list of suggested legislation to the IAPD legislative committee. It is hoped that some of the suggestions will be introduced jointly into the state legislature. More information will follow in an IPRS newsletter.

A special meeting will be held by Fred Hall, Director of the Palatine Park District, to discuss planning, routing, construction and financial ramifications of bicycle, hiking, and nature trails. All interested departments are invited to attend on May 20 at 10:00 a.m. at the Palatine Park District offices, 262 E. Palatine Road.

Watch for an IPRS Newsletter in June. See you next month!!

Illinois Parks and Recreation 3 May/June, 1974

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