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whats up with STUDENTS

by Terry Fritzmann

The outcome of the recent elections held by the Student Branch are as follows: John Bruns (WIU), President; Dennis Hayes (WIU), President-Elect; Caryn Worchester (WIU), Vice-President; George Whitehead (SIU), Treasurer; Risa Chodan (U. of I.), Secretary; Darwin Shroyer (U. of I.), IAPD Rep.; Carolyn Schuster (ISU), Parlimentarian.

At the NRPA annual conference in Denver, Oct. 20-25, the NSPES will meet on Tuesday, Oct. 22 at 3:00 p.m. to discuss the Great Lakes Regional Conference for the spring of 1975. The meeting is to select a site and to discuss funding and tentative programming.

All students are invited to attend Student Branch meetings. Contact your IPRS Reps. for exact times and locations.

The following students have been chosen as IPRS Representatives for the '74-75 school year:

Parkland, Cindy Nolin and Mike Scruggs; U. of I., Bert Gray, Ken Snyder and Kaye Barr; EIU, Karen Greer, Jodi Hoffman, Chris Beck and Roger Schaljo-Alt.; WIU, Terry Fritzmann, Kathy Kulig, Kay Landolt and Jock Roegner-Alt.; SIU, Debbie Friedman, Chip Huge, Joan Rosenberg and Vicki Kohl-Alt.; ISU, Barry Bullington and Debbie Rosendahl-Alt.; George Williams, Carmen Diehl and Gary Huber; Faculty Advisor, Dr. Frank Lupton, WIU.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 32 September/October, 1974

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