Documents listing legislative actions

KEEPING POSTED on bill introductions became more expensive in 1975 when the price of the Legislative Synopsis and Digest, a weekly publication of the Legislative Reference Bureau summarizing bills and resolutions and giving their histories, was raised from $20 to $40 for a year's subscription. If you are interested, order from the Bureau, State House, Springfield, 111. 62706.

Copies of official journals can be ordered by mail; the charge for a year is $50 for the House, $50 for the Senate. Journals contain official actions, including roll calls. Order from the clerk of the House or the secretary of Senate, depending on the journal desired, Stale House, Springfield, 111. 62706.

Copies of bills themselves must be requested from the clerk or secretary. The bills do not appear in the journals. There is no charge for single copies of one or two bills. Special arrangements must be made to receive all bills by mail.

A daily service offers summaries of bills and actions taken, including committee activity: $285 per year. Write State Capital Information Service, Inc., 527 E. Capitol Ave, Room 518, Springfield, 111. 62701, for details.

A weekly service reports on bills introduced and actions taken, provides roll calls on some bills, and includes background, papers on some issues, published by the Illinois State Chamber of Commerce, 20 N. Wacker Drive, Chicago, 111. 60606. The charge is $65 a year for members of the chamber, $90 for nonmembers.

Then, of course, there is Illinois Issues, published 12 times a year, $15 per year. Subscribe now on a trial basis; if you do not like the magazine, we will cancel your bill or refund an advance payment. Write Illinois font's, c/o Sangamon State University, Springfield, Ill 62708.

March 1975/Illinois lssues/91

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