Judicial Rulings

Illinois Supreme Court

Ban on liquor industry political contributions held valid
Schiller Park Colonial Inn, Inc., et al. v. Michael Berz, et al. Decided
May 28, 1976.

THE HIGH COURT held that Section 12aof the Illinois Liquor Control Act is constitutional and reversed the Cook County circuit court that ruled the section unconstitutional. This section prohibits campaign contributions by any liquor licensee where more than five per cent of his gross income is derived from the sale of alcoholic liquor, and extends to officers, associates, representatives, agents, or employees of the licensee.

Tennis taxable
Greater Chicago Indoor Tennis Clubs, Inc.,v. Village of Willow brook. Decided May 28,1976.

The constitutionality of a six per cent tax levied by the village on the gross receipts from fees and charges paid for use of indoor tennis courts was upheld. The tax was enacted by the non-home-rule municipality under section 11-42-5 of the Municipal Code authorizing municipalities to tax and regulate amusements and places of amusement. The court found that indoor tennis was an amusement subject to the section.

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit

Electronic devices under 'branch banking' ban
State of Illinois ex. rel. Lignoul, commissioner of Banks and Trust Companies, v. Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago. Decided May 27, 1976.

Another chapter in the branch banking controversy in Illinois (see December 1975,p.364ff) was written when the U.S. Court of Appeals held that the use of Customer Banking Communication Terminals(CBCT), an off-premises electronic banking system, was a form of branch banking for bidden in Illinois by state law. ž

October 1976 / Illinois Issues / 29

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