The Other 49

In California you have a right to die
A bill to give patients the right to die a natural death was passed by the 1976 California legislature and signed by Gov. Jerry Brown. The law permits removal of life-sustaining medical procedures with the written consent of the terminally ill patient and is the first to legalize the "living will," a written directive that artificial means not be used to prolong life if death is imminent.

New York sues over its seal
Two Connecticut companies have been sued by the New York attorney general for commercial use of the Great Seal of New York State. The suit claims that the firms realized over $1 million selling bicentennial pewter plates and spoons which reproduced the seals of the 13 original states, seeks an injunction to hall further use and asks that profits from use of the seal be turned over to the state,

No female troopers in South Carolina
South Carolina Gov. James B. Edwards requested a hearing to decide whether Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) funds should be withheld from the state's highway patrol for its refusal to hire women as state troopers. LEAA says 11 states are now using women as state patrol officers and others are recruiting them.

Kentucky bigwigs get pay boost
Kentucky Gov. Julian M. Carroll boosted the pay of his cabinet and other top ranking officials by about 25 per cent as authorized by 1976 law. The highest salary, that of the secretary of the cabinet, is $35,000, equal to the governor's annual income.

Sex discrimination in states
The National Organization for "Women (NOW) has filed charges with the federal government against 40 states accusing them of violating the 1972 education amendments for sex discrimination. If NOW wins the case, the states could lose up to $3.4 billion in federal education funds.

Massachusetts numbers games
As a new version to the state lottery, Massachusetts has begun its own numbers game to compete with the illegal numbers racket. In this version, bettors may wager from 25 cents to $10 and select their own numbers. Rhode Island began an instant-winner lottery game with prizes up to $10,000. 

December 1976/ Illinois Issues/15

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