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Pamphlets for Local Governments

A new series of pamphlets designed to provide local government officials with "nuts and bolts" knowledge about general purchasing procedures, data regarding specific products, and other practical topics of concern, will be published by the Department of Local Government Affairs (LGA), according to Director Frank A. Kirk.

The series of pamphlets, entitled the LGA Information Series, is being written and produced by the Department's Office of Community Services.

The first pamphlet in the series is called "Mosquito Abatement and Weed Control" and features an overview of the mosquito problem with preventive and control recommendations courtesy of the Illinois Department of Public Health.

The pamphlet also takes a critical look at salesmen and the purchasing procedures for insecticides and herbicides that can make or break a good mosquito and weed control program.

"This first pamphlet is timely in that it is available at a time when many local officials are planning and putting into operation their mosquito prevention programs," said Director Kirk.

Future pamphlets in the LGA Information Series will provide information on general purchasing, animal control, purchasing for police departments, an analysis of maintenance chemicals, and other issues.

Any community can be placed on the LGA Information Series mailing list at the request of any of its local officials. LGA will send the unit's copy to the Clerk of the unit. To receive "Mosquito Abatement and Weed Control" which is now available, and future pamphlets in the series, write or call Gary Koch, Department of Local Government Affairs, 303 E. Monroe, Springfield, Illinois 62706. (217) 782-5883.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 16 September/October, 1976

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