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The Country Club Hills Park Board is pleased to announce the appointment of KEVIN MARTIN CALLINAN to the position of Superintendent of Parks and Recreation. Mr. Callinan is a 1975 graduate of University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Recreation and Park Administration.

Most recently Mr. Callinan was employed by the Chicago Police Department as a Training Supervisor, where he was responsible for organizing and conducting recreation programs.

Other past experiences include: Managing a Recreation Facility for the Kentucky State Park System, facility maintenance for the Chicago Park District and Assistant Program Director and Instructor for the Rock Island Family YMCA. While attending Western Illinois he served as a Resident Assistant Advisor, where he was responsible for providing social and cultural program for 80 students.

Professionally, he is affiliated with National Recreation and Park Association, Illinois Park and Recreation Association, and Western Illinois Student Park and Recreation Society.


JAN SCHWASS has been recently appointed to the position of Director of Recreation with the Wheeling Park District. She is a 1974 Park and Recreation Administration graduate of Western Illinois University and prior to her appointment had been working as a Recreation Coordinator with the Wheeling Park District.

Ms. Schwass is a member of IPRS, SPRA and Northshore Round Table.


PAUL ELTON MAHACHEK has been hired by the Elk Grove Park "District as Superintendent of Development and Planning. Prior to his appointment, he was Assistant to the University Landscape Architect at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa.

Mahachek received his B.S.L.A. in 1974 from Iowa State University, where he also attended the Graduate School of Landscape Architecture.


STEPHEN C. SCHOLTEN has been hired by the Elk Grove Park District as Administrative Assistant. Scholten was with the Park District as a field-work student from January through May,1976.

Scholten earned his B.S. in Recreation and Park Administration from Illinois State University at Normal. He is presently a member of N.R.P.A.


JOSEPH A. PLECKINGER has been appointed General Superintendent of the Pekin Park District, Pekin, Illinois. Mr. Pleckinger was formerly Superintendent of Parks and Recreation in Owatonna, Minnesota and also served as Park District Manager for the Northbrook, Illinois Park District. Mr. Pleckinger received his Bachelors degree from Wisconsin State College, LaCrosse, and his Masters in Park and Recreation Administration from the University of Illinois.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 34 September/October, 1976


The Rockford Park District has honored two faculty members of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for their help 20 years ago in establishing the district's outstanding system of recreation services.

Allen V. Sapora, professor of leisure studies, and D. James Brademas, lecturer and chief of the Office of Recreation and Park Resources, each received a plaque recognizing their contributions to beginning a comprehensive recreation program in 1956.

In 1953, Sapora and the late Professor Charles K. Brightbill helped the Rockford Boys Club Playground Recreation Assn. Inc. plan four playground programs offered the summer of 1954. Brademas, then a graduate student in recreation, was hired to direct a staff of UIUC students who supervised the playgrounds.

The success of the venture encouraged Rockford residents to ask for additional recreation services. With funds donated by local businesses, the Rockford Park District hired Sapora to make a study.He, Brademas and other UIUC students and some Rockford residents collected information for a comprehensive survey.

Using the information, Sapora wrote "A Recreation Survey of the Rockford Park District," a 207 page document which received national recognition from recreation leaders and university professors.

The survey encouraged Rockford civic leaders to hold a referendum for a tax to fund parks and recreation programs which voters approved in 1956.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 34 September/October, 1976

Ron Dumke has been appointed Superintendent of Recreation for the Waukegan Park District. Mr. Dumke brings over ten years of Boys Club experience to the District. He recently completed his M.S. degree in Parks and Recreation from Michigan State University.


Craig Rathke had been appointed by the Tinley-Park District as Maintenance Superintendent.

Rathke is a 1974 graduate of the College of DuPage with an A.A. degree in Architectural Technology.

Rathke's previous experience includes: maintenance supervisor for Woodridge Park District; a draftsman and estimator for Tri-County Builders of Naperville; maintenance department in Downers Grove, and maintenance department at Woodridge School District No.68.


Bob Fiore has been recently appointed to the full-time position of Director of Parks and Recreation for the Tinley-Park District.

Fiore is a 1969 graduate of Northern Illinois University of DeKalb with a B.S. degree in Science and Education.

Fiore's previous experience includes being the part-time Recreation Director for the Tinley-Park District, a Physical Education Instructor for the Chicago Board of Education for seven years, Director of Recreational facilities for Tierra Grande Courts Condominium Development, Assistant Director of the Recreation Building for Calumet Park, Director of a Chicago Board of Education Social Center at A.O. Sexton Elementary School. He also ran his own Day Camp entitled the "Young Travelers," and worked in the Park Baseball Clinic for the Chicago Park District.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 35 September/October, 1976

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