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TERRY BLAIR has been recently appointed as Adult Program Coordinator for the Maine-Niles Association of Special Recreations. Ms. Blair is a 1973 graduate of the University of Illinois, and holds a degree in Recreation and Park Administration. Terry has spent the last year as a recreation therapist for the Developmental Services Center in Champaign. Prior to her work for D.S.C., Terry was the activity director at the Fontanbleu Nursing Center in Charleston, Illinois.


VERN BISSETT, has recently been appointed to the position of Director of Parks and Recreation for the Carol Stream Park District. Vern is a 1973 graduate of Western Illinois University with a B.S. degree in Recreation and Park Administration.

Mr. Bissett's previoius experience includes Recreation Director for the Carol Stream Park District and Director of Parks and Recreation for the York Center Park District.


DIANE FARREN of Aurora has been hired as Recreation Director of the Carol Stream Park District.

Miss Farren was graduated in December from Illinois State University in Normal with a Bachelor of Science degree in recreation and park administration.

Prior to coming to Carol Stream Park District, she did 18 weeks of field work at the Batavia Park District.

Miss Farren's background includes experience in physical education programs in particular gymnastics, tumbling and track and field. She also has participated in the field of Arts and Crafts and attended the Northland Recreation Leadership Laboratory in Wisconsin for the past two years.


The Des Plaines Park District announces the hiring of a new employee, JANET E. MOEHLE to the position of Recreation Supervisor. Janet is a recent 1976 graduate of Western Illinois University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Recreation and Park Administration. Her major responsibilities include Elementary School Activities, Teen Activities, Women's and Girl's Sports, Playgrounds and Day Camp.

As a student at Western Illinois University, she was actively involved in the Park and Recreation Society, and is currently a member of the Illinois Park and Recreation Society and National Recreation and Park Association.


DANIEL D. BROWN, who recently assumed the position of Director of Parks and Recreation for Skokie Park District, is welcomed by Allan A. Weissburg, President (left) and John E. Lindberg, Past Director (right).

Dan earned a Bachelor's Degree at Indiana State University, Terre Haute, in 1967 and received his Master's Degree in Park and Recreation from Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, in 1975.

Hailing from Lincoln Park, Michigan, a Detroit suburban community of 55,000, Dan returned to Lincoln Park following graduation in 1967 to be appointed Director of Recreation. In 1969, Dan was appointed Director of Parks and Recreation.


Three persons have joined the faculty of the Department of Recreation and Park Administration of Western Illinois University. They are RICHARD WESTGATE, RICHARD SCHROTH, and STEVE KANDYBOWICZ.

Westgate, who has a Master's Degree from Temple University, was most recently the Commissioner of Recreation in Topeka, Kansas. Prior to that he was a deputy commissioner in Philadelphia, a field representative for NRA and later NRPA, and a director of parks and recreation in Portland, Maine, and Montpelier, Vermont. His wealth of knowledge and experience in administration will be utilized in the management program at Western.

Schroth is an alumnus of Western and holds a Master's Degree from University of Illinois. His experience is in recreation planning, having been employed prior to joining Western's faculty by Laz, Edwards, and Dankert of Champaign, Illinois. He is teaching primarily in facilities operation and park management.

Kandybowicz is a graduate of Kansas University and Western Illinois. He has worked in Lawrence, Kansas and the Johnnycake Camps of Arkansas. He is teaching in the program sequence, camp counselling, and special populations.


Dr. FRANK D. LUPTON, Jr., associate professor of recreation and park administration, has been selected as the 1976 Faculty Lecturer at Western Illinois University.

This award is designed to honor an outstanding faculty member for scholarly achievements and contributions to Western.

Lupton joined the WIU faculty in 1971 and is recognized as a national leader in the field of outdoor recreation. He served as supervisor of camping and outdoor education for the Rockford Park District and was administrator of the Presbyterian Camping Association of Northern Illinois.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 26 July/August, 1976

RICHARD E. JOHNS, General Superintendent of the Glenview Park District, was presented Indiana University's Garret G. Eppley Alumni Recognition Award at the 28th annual Lebert H. Weir banquet.

The award is presented yearly for outstanding dedication, accomplishment, service and contributions to the recreation and park profession. The presentation was made by Dr. Theodore Deppe, Chairman of the university's Department of Recreation and Park Administration.

Mr. Johns previously received the Lebert H. Weir award for being the outstanding graduate student in recreation in 1954 and has been with the Glenview Park District since May 1, 1956.


KAY KASTEL FOREST, IPRS Executive Secretary, was recently honored as a recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award from Western Illinois University. Ms. Forest, a 1970 Graduate of the Department of Recreation and Park Administration, was cited for her contributions to her profession as IPRS Executive Secretary, magazine editor, recreation supervisor with the Glenview Park District, and trustee of the Illinois Park and Recreation Foundation.

Also recognized at the awards dinner was Dave Snider, Superintendent of Recreation for the Peoria Park District, and a 1968 graduate of WIU. Forest and Snider were participants in the alumni Speakers Days, an annual event to recognize the contribution of alumni to their various professions. Rick and Paul Reuschel, both pitchers with the Chicago Cubs, were among the other alumni recognized.


The Des Plaines Park District announced the appointment of DAVE MARKWORTH as Director of Parks and Recreation. Markworth, a life long resident of Des Plaines has served the Park District as Superintendent of Recreation since May, 1969 and as Interim Director for the past three months. Mr. Markworth received his Bachelor of Science Degree in 1965 from Valparaiso University and M.S. Degree from Indiana University in 1966. He spent three years as an officer with the U.S. Army from 1966-1969. Mr. Markworth has been active in IPRS as a board member and Chairman of committees. He is the 1976 Conference Chairman for IPRS.


New NRPA Executive

Mr. Earl T. Groves, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the National Recreation and Park Association announced today the appointment of JOHN H. DAVIS as the Executive Director.

Davis, who is currently Executive Director of the Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority, will begin his new duties July 1.

Mr. Davis is a graduate of Furman University in his native South Carolina and received a Masters Degree from Columbia University. He came to the Northern Virginia Regional Authority in 1973 from Atlanta where he was Chief of Recreation Planning in the State Department of Natural Resources. Previously he had served for nine years as Executive Director of the Georgia Recreation Commission. His responsibilities there included work that led to increasing from 36 to 75 the number of city and county recreation and park systems in Georgia.

Davis was also heavily involved in the Georgia Heritage Trust program; responsible for the evaluation of historical, archeological, natural areas and recreation sites. Other responsibilities included the Land and Water Conservation Fund and the State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan.

Before joining the Georgia state government, Davis worked as Director of Parks and Recreation in Dalton, Georgia. His first professional position was in Darlington, South Carolina where he served as Director of Recreation and Parks.

Mr. Davis is a former Board member and Past President of the Board of Trustees of the National Recreation and Park Association and is a Past President of the American Park and Recreation Society and the Georgia Recreation and Park Society.


Mr. Frank K. Burgess (left), former board member of the Geneva Park District received a merit citation in honor of his twenty-six years of service to the Geneva Park District and the community. The award was presented by Eugene Berghoff, IAPD Executive Vice President.

During a ceremonial luncheon in Naperville, officials of Kroehler Manufacturing Company (repuled to be the world's largest manufacturer of upholstered furniture) transferred the title of the 1.2 acre Kroehler Park to Naperville Park District. Pictured above during the deeding ceremony, from left, are Vince Else, comptroller at Kroehler; Elmer Dagenais, Kroehler executive Vice-president of manufacturing; John Sauntry, vice president Naperville Park District Board of commissioners; and Harris Fawell, park district attorney.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 27 July/August, 1976

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