Audit critical of General Services payment procedures

THE DEPARTMENT of General Services was criticized for paying employees from appropriations for divisions other than the division by which they were employed, in a report released during February by Auditor General Robert G. Cronson. The report also said some employees were paid from contractual service funds instead of personal service appropriations. The department blamed the discrepancies on the bind caused by budget reductions.

The report also focused on the revolving funds that the department uses to charge state agencies for central supplies or services. In the case of the State Garage Revolving Fund, agencies owed $168,518 as of June30, 1976, apparently uncollectible because agency appropriations were exhausted or the agency was no longer in existence. The department is studying a transfer payment system to replace revolving funds.

The Illinois Children's Hospital-School, administered by the Department of Child and Family Services, came in for criticism in another report for failing to keep proper records on trust funds which hold student, amusement and special activity deposits. "The lack of records and procedures prevents the agency from detecting missing, duplicate and erroneous transactions," the report said. The agency agreed to consider the auditor general's recommendations.

The auditor general regularly releases public digests of audit reports. In addition to the above, digests were issued during February on the following: Department of Revenue (review of receipts). Energy Resources Commission, Health Facilities Authority, Institute for Environmental Quality, Judicial Inquiry Board, Legislative Reference Bureau, Lieutenant Governor, Medical Center Commission, State Comptroller (fiscal control responsibilities). State Employees Retirement System, Supreme Court Committee on Criminal Justice, University of Illinois Alumni Association, U. of I. Athletic Association, and U. of I. Athletic Association Retirement System.

Copies of the reports and report digests are available in limited quantities and all are available for public inspection. Contact the Librarian, Auditor General's Office,524 S. 2nd Street (Lincoln Tower Plaza), Second Floor, Springfield 62706 (phone: 217/782-5205).

May / 1977 / Illinois Issues / 7

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