Selected State Reports

NOW available in microfiche form through the Illinois State Library are transcripts of the Illinois House of Representatives debates during the 79th General Assembly. Also available on microfiche are the 1976 House and Senate journals. These materials are located in libraries throughout the state. The 1970 Illinois Constitution directs that legislative journals be published and that transcripts of debates be made available to the public.

State documents
• "Illinois Coal: Development Potential," by Ramesh Malhotra and Jack A. Simon of the Illinois State Geological Survey (booklet Number 65 in the Survey's Illinois Minerals Note Series), 20 pp.

The authors predict an increase in the use of Illinois coal and offer projected growth rates for 1980-85. The booklet is available at no charge from the Illinois State Geological Survey, Natural Resources Building, Urbana, Illinois, 61801.

• "Orderly Government": Organizing for Manageability, report of the Illinois Task Force on Governmental Reorganization submitted to Gov.-elect James R. Thompson (November 3, 1976), 334 pp.

Appointed by the 1976 Illinois gubernatorial candidates, the task force made an inventory of state agencies, boards, commissions, and councils; conducted interviews; and studied previous reorganization efforts in both Illinois and other states. This report details the many recommendations resulting from the study. Copies available from Joan Schilf. Governors office.

• "A Guide for Pollwatchers," State Board of Elections [1976]. 61pp.

This manual was prepared 1o "familiarize pollwatchers with the relevant election laws, and to define their responsibilities and limitations."

• "Final Report," Governor's Commission on Individual Liberty and Personal Privacy (January 28.1976). 136pp.

Focuses on four legislative proposals to govern the acquisition and use of personal information contained in school student records, consumer credit reporting, and governmental records. One commission proposal, the Illinois School Students Records Act, has been signed into law.

• "From Bone Gap to Chicago; A History of the local Government Article of the 1970 Illinois Constitution," by Joan G. Andersen and Ann Lousin in John Marshall Journal of Practice and Procedure, vol. 9 (1976): 697-818

History of Illinois, local government, development of local government article at 1959-70 constitutional convention. detailed history of each section, and analysis of the article after five years. Appendix charts development of each section with references to source materials. Andersen was a member of the Local Government Committee at the convention, Lousin a research staff member.

• "Delinquent I ax Sales." report to the General Assembly by the Illinois Legislative Investigating Commission (September 1976). 62pp.

Examining the issue of whether the stale must use the threat of total forfeiture of property in the interests of tax collection, the commission studied the Illinois Revenue Act and several delinquent tax sales cases. The commission found that "the present Illinois system of tax sales does indeed result in injustice," and made a number of recommendations to amend the Revenue Act.

• "Evaluation of Effluent Regulations of the State of Illinois," report by the Illinois Effluent Standards Advisory Group to the Illinois Institute for Environmental Quality, IIEQ document 76; 21 (1976), 51pp.

After reviewing and evaluating pollution abatement technology and its associated economics, 1ESAG recommended effluent standards for 24 parameters, including arsenic, oil, and phenols.

• "Issues and Programs: Discussion Document for a Five-year Plan, 1976-1981" Illinois Environmental Protection Agency [1976], 237pp.

Intended "to stimulate discussion and environmental issues and programs," this report includes general background information and descriptions of state EPA programs as well as of 10 key issue areas: energy production, agricultural production, industrial and commercial development, transportation regulation, recreational needs, pollution regulation development, facility siting controls, environmental education, and policy and program coordination.

• "Federal Aid to Illinois State Agencies. FY 1975-76," research memorandum no. 52, Illinois Commission on Intergovernmental Cooperation (August 31, 1976), 40pp.

Report of a survey of all Illinois state agencies to identify federal aid programs in use by the state.

1975 Annual Report, Illinois State Board of Education Illinois Office of Education (June 30, 1976), variably paged.

Extensive loose leaf collection of statistics and other information on Illinois public education for the 1974-75 school year. Covers state universities and colleges as well as elementary and secondary schools.

Other Reports

• A new publication, Retirement System Consolidation: The South Dakota Experience, is now available from The Council of State Governments. Sixth in a series of innovations studied by the Council under a grant from the National Science Foundation in an "effort to spread the word about innovative state programs that are potentially transferable to other States." the report describes and analyzes the retirement system consolidation in South Dakota. This and other reports are available from The Council of State Governments. P.O. Box 11910, Iron Works Pike. Lexington. Kentucky. 40511.

Items listed under State Documents have been received by the Documents Unit, Illinois State Library, Springfield, and are usually available from public libraries in the state through interlibrary loan. Requests for copies should be sent to the issuing agency./ S.C.

May 1977 / Illinois Issues / 21

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