A freelance journalist residing in Rochester, Illinois, she has also written an article on solar energy for Illinois Issues.

Can demands for energy, land use and health be met and the world still be fed?

Agricultural production

WITH TOP SOIL so dark it looks like plowed asphalt, Illinois' agricultural resources have always been considered a stable blessing. But that view may be altered as the pressure to produce more food for more people collides with our demands for energy, growth, health and quality of life.

About four billion people are now alive on Earth, and world population is increasing at a rate of approximately 2 per cent per year. The United Nations believes that one-half billion humans are already malnourished. According to the Production Yearbook 7972 published by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) only 11 per cent of the earth's land surface is arable and naturally suitable for crop production. Comparatively, 25 per cent of the United States (470 million acres) is considered arable.

Our soil is a tremendous resource of importance to the entire world, yet we are losing it at an appalling rate just when our need for it is soaring. Since 1945, about 45 million acres of cropland have been lost to urbanization, highways and other special uses. This represents an area almost the size of the state of Nebraska. Strip mining disturbs at least another 153,000 acres annually, not counting land affected by acid mine drainage. And erosion is the greatest spoiler of all. Since the nation was founded 200 years ago, at least a third of the topsoil on U.S. croplands has been eroded away.

Can we use more land for food production? We add about 1.25 million acres of new cropland per year, usually through drainage or irrigation, but such reclamation schemes have a high cost in energy and ecology, as well as in dollars.

If we cannot; feed the increasing population by creating additional arable land, we must examine ways to increase the effectiveness of the land we already have. But to feed a world population which could reach seven billion in less than 25 years, we would have to double food production on available arable land.

Production in Illinois

The Midwest region produces 80 per cent of the nation's corn, oats, soybeans and flaxseed, and more than 50 per cent of its cereal grains (wheat, barley and hay. In 1974, Illinois ranked first (16.8 per cent) in the nation's production of soybeans with 207.5 million bushels, second (17 per cent) in the nation's production of corn with 830.9 million bushels, and 12th (3 per cent) in the nation's production of wheat with 53.7 million bushels. Soybeans provided 29 per cent and corn 33 per cent of Illinois' total farm income, which totaled close to $5 billion in 1974. The state ranks second in the total amount of dollars received from crop income. It is estimated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture that Illinois corn and soybean production will continue to increase, with Illinois producing 1.3 billion bushels of corn and 342 million bushels of soybeans by 1985.

Doubling production is a big order. It is estimated that a three-fold increase in the energy used for agriculture would be required during the next 25 years. The mechanical methods of increasing efficiency — teamed with use of improved strains of seed, disease resistant plants, and the use of chemical fertilizers, insecticides, fungicides and herbicides — have allowed us to spur production to increasingly high levels. But the use of these techniques and products has created problems, too.

Erosion causes loss of more than 50 million tons of plant nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) from cropland each year, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture (US DA) calculations. Fertilizers permit farmers to harvest from one acre what it would previously have required several acres to produce. This spectacular success has tended to make the use of chemical fertilizers almost obligatory in the United States and increases the possibilities of overuse. Are we using "too much of a good thing?"

The production of fertilizer accounts for between 46 and 57 per cent of the energy consumed in getting unirrigated corn and grain harvested and ready to leave the farm. The major, most convenient source of nitrogen fertilizer is natural gas. Approximately 2 per cent of United States and nearly 5 per cent of the world supplies of natural gas are used to manufacture fertilizer, and natural gas is the least plentiful of the fossil fuels. In this country, if use of natural gas continues to increase at 4.7 per cent annually, total depletion would occur shortly after 1980. The second source of nitrogen fertilizer is naphtha, a product of petroleum refining, so the future of this source is also uncertain. In addition to its cost in terms of energy, use of fertilizers contributes to eutrophication (a condition which lowers the ability of the water to support plant and animal life) in the water supplies which receive agricultural runoff from erosion.

Insecticides, fungicides and herbicides, while dramatically reducing the loss of harvest to insects, fungi and weeds, are potentially dangerous to human health. Although the immediate dangers of these selective poisons is

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readily understood, their long-term effects on human health are not yet completely known. Pesticides such as DDT, Dieldrin, Hexlachor, Chlordane, and Mirex are recognized carcinogens. They are known to cause malignant tumors in test animals, but many people and most of the affected manufacturers either refuse to accept the validity of tests using laboratory animals, or maintain that the benefits of using ^chemicals outweighs any dangers. They maintain that it has not yet been proven that these chemicals cause human cancers.

No one knows how much of a cancer-causing agent is required to cause a specific form of human cancer. What is known is that the time between exposure to a human carcinogen and the development of its attributable malignancy can vary from seven years in the case of diethylstibestrol (DES) to 30 years with industrial asbestos. Many of the most widespread agricultural pesticides are called "persistent pesticides" because after use they do not break down into harmless ingredients; they remain potent for many years. When applied to agricultural lands, these chemicals are carried into water supplies where they are ingested by fish — and subsequent fish-eaters — and other animals. Once eaten, the persistent pesticides are stored in body fats where they accumulate throughout the life of the animal. Virtually every human being has accumulations of these chemicals in his or her body. Nursing mothers transmit the chemicals to their infants. Cow milk in Illinois, as well as the water supply, contains concentrations of Dieldrin, a pesticide used for many years to control soil insects that attack corn. In 1976, Dieldrin contamination of fish caught in Lake Springfield, Lake Pana, Shelbyville Reservoir and Rend Lake prompted the Illinois Department of Conservation to advise fishermen to limit consumption of the fish. Commercial fishing at Lake Carlyle is banned, even though use of Dieldrin was halted in 1974. Our persistent pesticides are going to be with us for many years to come. The National Cancer Institute and the World Health Organization maintain that up to 90 per cent of all human cancers are caused by exposure to carcinogens in our environment, and the incidence of cancer is constantly rising throughout the industrialized; areas of the world.

From his first major environmental message President Jimmy Carter may have indicated a new thrust by the federal government to keep carcinogens out of the environment: "The presence of toxic chemicals in our environment is one of the grimmest discoveries of the industrial era .... Rather than coping with these hazards after they have escaped into our environment, our primary objective must be to prevent them from entering the environment at all."

Although use of the most suspect of the carcinogenic pesticides such as DDT, Aldrin and Dieldrin, and Chlordane is now regulated, the long-term effects of their use is not known. Furthermore, many of the newer pesticides have immediate effects, which make them very hazardous to manufacture and apply.

Agricultural methods
Obviously, with the depletion of our fossil fuels and the lurking large-scale health hazards inherent in massive use of farm chemicals, we must explore additional avenues to reach our productivity goal. We cannot abandon use of the chemical tools that have helped make our agricultural industry a global resource, but we may have reached the practical limits of their application.

When agriculture shifted from animal to machine power, and when fertilizers and pesticides first became available for purchase, farmers demanded proof that the new ways were, better than the old. To bring about change in our current agricultural practices, farmers must once again have proof. Scientists in research centers supported by government, universities and private industry are starting to find this needed proof.

A 1964 analysis of corn culture in northeastern Illinois indicated that conservation techniques such as contour plowing and crop rotation could, over a 20-year period, cost the farmer $39 per acre.

A current study published in the February 1977 issue of the American Journal of Agricultural Economics indicates that the economics of less conventional farming techniques may soon be more encouraging. Dr. William Lockeretz and five associates at the Center for the Biology of Natural Systems at St. Louis' Washington University conducted an investigation of 14 matched pairs of farms in the Corn Belt comparing the costs and benefits reported by farmers using chemical fertilizers and pesticides with those of farmers using only organic fertilizer and no pesticides. The data collected over a two-year period compared yields, production costs and energy consumption for crop production in 1974 and 1975. The results indicated that farmers using organic methods received an average of 10 per cent less in market value per acre than those employing conventional methods. However the operating costs of the organic farms were so much lower that the profits from crop production were the same. The conventionally operated farms used 2.3 times more energy, while the farms on which organic methods were practiced required 12 per cent more labor. The nutrient value of the land on the conventional acreage remained stable but that of the organic areas diminished slightly. "The fact that... the organic group appears to be doing reasonably well — despite not using the chemicals that are generally regarded as key elements in the high productivity of modern agriculture — is an indication that less chemically intensive methods may enable U.S. agriculture to adjust to possible future energy problems without serious economic sacrifices," says Lockeretz.


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This study is a comparison of extremes, involving farms on which none of the accepted chemical products were employed, yet these farmers aren't suffering economically as a result of their practices. Furthermore, the comparisons do not reflect the anticipated cost of fertilizer produced from dwindling supplies of fossil fuels, the possible results of prolonged exposure to agricultural chemicals on health or the effects of these two opposites on soil erosion. The study, which includes four pairs of farms in Illinois, is continuing, however, and future results may reflect some of these factors.

So research may provide proof that changes in agricultural practices are economically feasible. What changes are these and will they prove effective? In November 1976, the World Bank released a report concerning the world food problem which stated that malnutrition (which bank economists believe has been underestimated by 30 percent) is caused primarily by the way food is distributed. Yet this conclusion doesn't address the basic solution of the food problem — population control. Knowing food distribution and birth control can make or break the future of the endeavor, we still need to pursue new methods of increasing the productivity of the world's arable areas without destroying the land or health of future generations. Efforts by farmers, manufacturers and regulators will be needed to achieve this goal.

Farmers, themselves, can help. Elimination of fall plowing could prevent most winter erosion. Assuming it's desirable to use only as much chemical fertilizer as is absolutely necessary, farmers can further utilize natural fertilizers — such as manure — or green fertilizers — consisting of ground cover crops like rye, vetch or clover, plowed under to decompose in the soil.

To control pests, the farmers can employ more crop rotation. The life cycles of many insects, such as the corn root worm, depend on having the same crop grown on the land for more than one season in succession. If the farmer alternates crops, the insect life cycles are disrupted. Continued use of specific Pesticides also leads to the development of immune varieties of insects against which pesticide is no longer effective. General application of broad spectrum pesticides kills many kinds of insects, including beneficial predators, which would otherwise provide a degree of natural control of pest insects. The Washington University study indicates that such methods are able to control normal insect populations effectively enough to allow farmers using completely organic methods of pest control — no pesticides at all — to operate competitively with farmers using conventional insecticides. It seems reasonable that using improved planting techniques coupled with selective use of pesticides — rather than the accepted practice using pesticides for prevention—would be an advantageous combination.

Private industry, prompted by knowledge of developing insect resistances, as well as law suits from environmental groups and governmental regulations, has been actively developing alternative products.

Government involvement
The government is directly involved in two ways. It controls a substantial portion of the funds necessary for scientific research into alternative pesticides and improved agricultural techniques, and it also embodies authority to regulate the uses of agricultural chemicals. The Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 (TSCA), signed by former President Gerald R.. Ford on October 12, 1976, and the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act of 1972 now give the federal government authority to require that potentially harmful chemicals be more thoroughly tested before they are released into general use. Previously, the only way to remove a hazardous chemical or pesticide from the market was through legal action. Additional federal authority to eliminate hazardous chemicals from the environment may be granted following President Carter's announcement.

State and local governments share responsibilities when it comes to control of the loss of agricultural land to urbanization, highways and strip mining. Local property taxes contribute to the demise of farms when farmers are unable to pay taxes on farm land, which gets rezoned by developers. Tax reform and land use policies to prevent such actions are essential if we are to prevent loss of valuable arable land.

These actions that can be taken range from individual decision making to broad national programs. What stands in the way of these solutions? The answer seems buried in attitudes and economics.

Opposition to change is a basic problem. Discussion of population control raises religious, nationalistic and cultural barriers. Individual farmers practicing nontraditional agricultural methods may be dismissed as nonconformists. The effects of soil conservation are not immediately recognizable in terms of dollars, and the long-term effects of contaminating our water and soil with carcinogenic chemicals are not yet being felt. The nature of the potential health threat, itself, is strangely ineffective in motivating change. When smoking in the United States continues to rise despite the proven cancer connection, is it any wonder our farmers are reluctant to accept the concept of potential, but unproved, human harm?

Industry has not rushed to take the lead in accepting new concepts either. A group of chemical industry executives considered the TSCA a "threat to sales, profits, jobs and innovations."

But if individuals and industry are reluctant to change, consider the previous attitude of government. Former U.S. Secy. of Agriculture Earl Butz considered the Delaney Amendment banning use of known carcinogens as additives to human food, "utter nonsense," blaming "food faddists and extremists" for alarming the public. The Ford administration consistently opposed the TSCA until it passed.

The attitude problems have been compounded by the economic problems. There's big money in providing a needed product — food — to an eager market — the world. Everybody wants a piece of the action, and nobody wants to sacrifice now for tomorrow's gain. The farmers' needs are real, the industries which manufacture agricultural machinery and products employ people whose needs are real, and the government gets its money from taxes, and we all know how real that situation is.

Hanging over the whole scene is the shadow of the energy crisis. To achieve a state of balance between food and energy in the future, we must begin to act now. If our life expectancy remains at the current level, children born today will live to experience the conditions either caused or made possible by their parents' actions.

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