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MAY 1936


The Voice of Illinois Park Board


These clippings represent the very beginning of the Illinois Association of Park Districts. In 1934 the IAPD MEMBERSHIP WAS 1/4 1/4 DISTRICTS. The registration list for the 1934 annual conference was published in the Park Board Bulletin. There were 113 participants from 36 districts, each of which presented a report on their activities for the year. The dues in 1934 ranged from $25 -$55 per year with the annual operating budget of $1,200.00. In 1937 the current logo of IAPD was developed.

By 1940 the Park Board Bulletin developed into more than a newsletter. It included articles of interest to commissioners. Some of the topics included the "Outlook for Parks and Recreation in the 40's"; "Planning vs Post War Problems"; "What a Year Round Recreation Program Should Include"; "How to Administer a Year Round Program"; "Financing Post War Parks"; "How to Train Staff"; "Wartime Personnel Programs"; etc. It is interesting to note that some of these basic topics—finances, staff, administration—are still being discussed at conventions and in the magazine in 1978.

The Park Board Bulletin set the format for the development of a magazine in 1948 entitled Illinois Parks. In September of 1970, Illinois Parks published by IAPD combined with Illinois Recreation published by IPRS to form the publication known as Illinois Parks and Recreation.

As they say "you've come a long way, baby." Congratulations IAPD-1928-1978 At Your Leisure: 50 years of service.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 4 May/June, 1978

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