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by Dave Henderson, Director Student Section

Reviewing the activities of the past year, it is apparent that we have accomplished the following major goals which were set forth in April of 1977.

1. The section constitution was revised and operationalized.

2. It appears that we will again reach our projected revenue goal by September 30.

3. Our section organized three sessions for the November conference which were well received.

4. An informational brochure about the Student Section was completed and distributed.

5. Currently, a slide presentation is being assembled to depict our section's involvement in IPRA.

An objective of our association is to encourage participation by all members. Although our section had hoped to encourage more participation in activities and committees, we did not succeed as well as anticipated. At times we seemed to be making some headway, particularly when the 1977 Student Conference and the student board meetings were well attended. However, our working force primarily consisted of those who attended the board meetings. The Campus Council members primarily serve as representatives for the total membership. Our section needs the working support of the rest of its members as well. It is the responsibility of each of you to make your representatives aware of any problems that may exist or how we can better serve you. Help bridge the communication gap by talking to your representatives whenever you can.

I have had the pleasure of working with an enthusiastic, hard-working student executive board. Also, our advisor, Mr. Richard Norris of Parkland College, was a welcome influence in our lives, especially when we needed professional advice. I would like to thank the IPRA board for their help and guidance during the past two years. Every student should be aware of the opportunity to gain valuable experience by serving as a section officer or working with the various IPRA committees.

Best wishes for the future to my successor, Barb Manselle from WIU.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 33 May/June, 1978

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