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ICE ARENA AND RECREATION CENTER DIRECTOR, Springfield Park District. Salary: commensurate with qualifications. Qualifications: B.S. degree in Recreation Administration or Business plus a minimum of three years management in a recreation facility. Send resume to: Herschel J. Moore, Director of Personnel, Springfield Park District, P.O. Box 5052, Springfield, IL. 62705.

HORTICULTURE CENTER DIRECTOR, Springfield Park District. Salary: commensurate with qualifications. Qualifications: degree in horticulture, plus minimum of three years experience in a greenhouse conservatory facility. Send resume to: Herschel J. Moore, Director of Personnel, Springfield Park District, P.O. Box 5052, Springfield, IL. 62705.

RECREATION SUPERVISOR, Morton Park District - Salary: open plus benefits. Qualifications: B.S. in recreation with some experience preferred. Position is CETA funded. Applicant must reside in Tazewell County and be unemployed. Send resume to Michael G Manley, Director, Morton Park District, 110 West Adams, Morton, Illinois 61550.

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