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On child welfare

EDITORS: The DCFS-Private Child Care relationship has been tense for many years, with turmoil over rate negotations, reorganization, standards and expectations. Unfortunately, this turmoil has led to inefficient long-range child welfare planning in Illinois, and mistrust between state and private agencies. This in itself has caused a disruption in the service to children and families. The explosive excitement of a progressive state utilizing the great potentials of the public and private sectors has been mitigated and moderated.

Yet, as the state recovers from the campaign promises of elections and budgetory allocations, there is again the hope of promise. Governor Thompson has voiced a "reprivatization" appeal. The new DCFS director, Gregg Coler, has appealed for a cooperative approach between the public and private sectors. It sounds as if there is movement to recognize and utilize the great potential that characterizes Illinois child welfare.

But the public and private sector must learn to work together more honestly. The private sector must learn to be an "actor" instead of a "reactor" to the policies and direction from the department. It must stay attuned to the issues, and such groups as the Illinois Association for Residential Child Care, Child Care Association of Illinois, and the National Association of Homes for Children can provide much of the desired information. Then, the private sector must learn to drop old prejudices and join together for a united "action" before a crisis or misdirection is mandated.

In the same way, the public sector must learn to accept and cooperate more with the private sector. It must include more private representatives on committees that deal with rate setting, standard charges and identification of the placement needs of state wards. Issues concerning residential child abuse and cost containments are on the horizon and need to be dealt with in a cooperative and honest way.

We are all interested in honestly and efficiently meeting the needs of children and families in Illinois. We have a good start. Let us continue.

Gary R. Ulrich

Assistant Executive Director

Kemmerer Village

June 1979 / Illinois Issues / 28

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