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IAPD COMMISSIONER TRAINING SEMINAR, May 19, 1979. Hyatt Regency O'Hare. Contact IAPD (217) 523-4554.

THERAPEUTIC WORKSHOP NORTHERN REGION. June 7-9, Oregon, Illinois. Contact IPRA office.

AUDIO VISUAL PRODUCTION SEMINAR, June 12, Champaign and June 14 Park Ridge. Sponsored by the IPRA Recreation Programming Section and Eastman Kodak. For more information contact the IPRA Office.

SPRA PLAYGROUND INSTITUTE, June 16, 1979. Palatine, Illinois. For information contact: Marion Porento, Franklin Park Park District, 9560 Franklin Avenue, Franklin Park, IL 60131.

ACCESS TO RECREATION: BARRIER FREE FACILITIES and PARKS. July 11-12, 1979. Indianapolis, IN. For more information contact: Virginia Sheets, Indiana Department of Natural Resources, 612 State Office Building, Indianapolis, IN 46204.

ANNUAL GOLF OUTING August 3, 1979, Chevy Chase Golf Course, Wheeling, IL. Sponsored by the IAPD/IPRA Joint Legislative Committee. For more information contact the IAPD office.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 13 May/June, 1979

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