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"Private Sector Support Stretches Tax Dollars"

by Jerry Menz

The Decatur Park District, Recreation Department has a long and proud tradition of providing leisure time activities for the people of this community of 90,000 plus. As with most districts, some basic improvements to facilities are being "put-off" because of insufficient funds.

The Decatur Recreation Department has taken positive steps to help themselves in one of these various areas: PROJECT UPDATE is a program aimed at upgrading the lighting system of the district's 20 lighted playgrounds and 15 lighted ball diamonds. There are between 3,000 and 4,000 adults that participate in the Recreation Department Softball Program on a twice weekly basis. It is quite evident that the Adult Softball Program is the hub of the evening parks & Recreation program in our community. As the quality of softball has increased, the lighting system has not. The Recreation Department worked with Charles Lindstrom, Lincoln College, Lincoln, Illinois who also represents the Muscatine Lighting Company, to secure the best system at the least expensive price.

A priority list was established of areas needing improvement the most. The dimensions of these areas and fields were sent to the lighting company and blue prints were sent back with the company's suggestions. The amount of lighting needed to get the desired results was then decided upon. The recreation staff then proceeded to contact major industries, service clubs and neighborhood adult clubs in the community to seek their support for this project.

The Staley Manufacturing Company donated $5,000 to start the project and was soon followed by six neighborhood adult clubs who have agreed to make this lighting program their main project for their park over the next three years. Strong editorial support from the Decatur Daily Review has encouraged other industries to support the department in its efforts to update and expand the lighting system for all ball diamonds.

The editorial, "Staley Lights Way" stated, "A good example has been set by A. E. Staley Mfg. Co., by donating $5,000 to improve lighting Decatur Park District's softball diamonds. The $5,000 is to help pay for better lighting at seven of the 16 diamonds already lighted. Lighting for 15 other parks, some of which are not lighted now, will cost $20,000 according to park district officials. Plans are that diamonds which don't get lighting this season are to get them next season."

"But why the wait? There ought to be enough resources in the private sector of the community to get the job done this year.

"Softball is one of Decatur's more popular summer recreation activities.

"But the Park District is in difficult financial constraints.

"Not a lot of money is needed for the lighting program. It ought to be forthcoming promptly from those in the community who recognize the value of the softball program."

The newspaper's strong support has helped stimulate other private sector companies to contribute to this important community project. The retail lighting companies have given the project their support too, resulting in the lights being sold to the District at less than half of the normal retail cost.

The program has just begun but just the initial acceptance and support of the project has shown that the future is bright for Project Update. This park district project is indicative of what can be accomplished when the public and private sectors work together for the benefit of the community.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 23 May/June, 1979

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