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IAPD highlites

by Peter T. Trenchard,
Acting Executive Director

The Joint Legislative Committee had a very effective and outstanding year under the leadership of Robert Cole of Decatur, IAPD, and Gerald M. Oakes of Winnetka, IPRA, as Co-Chairmen. A large number of bills in the 81st General Assembly this year could have had devastating effects on park, forest preserve and conservation districts and a significant number required immediate action. The committee through utilization of the Hotline, Newsletter, Legislative Directory, and Legislative Action Guide was able to react immediately in protecting our various park and recreation agencies in Illinois. This is the first full year of operation of this committee under the new Memorandum of Understanding between the IAPD and IPRA. Thank you for a great job!

Our new Park Commissioner's Manual is completed and available for purchase. Many people have made a significant contribution, including Robert Nichols, Commissioner from Bensenville, who did a great job putting it all together. This Park Commissioner's Manual could probably be the only one of its kind in the country. It is must reading for all Commissioners in the State of Illinois and will most likely receive some national recognition. I personally urge that copies be purchased for each commissioner to refer to on an ongoing basis.

We welcome the continued enthusiasm of the Chicago Park District and its staff as members of the IAPD and IPRA. We have begun a series of meetings with key people at the Chicago Park District in an effort to further utilize the resources of both organizations so as to continue to protect the strength and autonomy of special districts in the park and recreation movement in Illinois.

The response to the 1979-80 Directory Questionnaire was overwhelmingly successful and therefore, the directory will be bigger and better than ever. It will be mailed to all members of the IAPD by the middle of November.

The NRPA has established the Bob Artz Citizen-Board Member award to be presented each year to a citizen volunteer who gives outstanding leadership, counsel, or other efforts to assist a public tax supported park and recreation agency in its programs or projects.

IPRA highlites

by Kay Forest,
Executive Director

The IPRA Board conducted public hearings on the proposed dues increase. Basically, no one questioned the need for an increase in dues income for IPRA, but they did question whether increasing dues by a flat rate would meet the need now and in the future.

Several alternatives were presented at the hearings, one of which was a sliding dues scale based on salaries. It was felt that this method might help fight inflation. When salaries increased, so would dues income.

The IPRA Board decided that more study was needed on the entire dues structure of the association. They voted to set up a committee that would study the issue in depth. Any recommendations this committee would have on the dues increase/structure would come before the IPRA Board during the year but would not take effect until October, 1980.

Because of this action, the new IPRA Board will have to select one of the following alternatives: 1) find an additional revenue source for this year; 2) cut expenses and services; 3) use some of the $20,000 surplus that IPRA has in investments; 4) combination of the above. In presenting the budget. President-elect Jerry Oakes and Executive Director Kay Forest explained that they were being ultra-conservative with their financial approach. Many suggested programs and services had already been cut.

The IPRA public awareness program was left untouched. In fact, it was increased slightly because of the membership's demand that it be a more viable public relations program.

We do hope that the members will continue to present their ideas and suggestions for the operation of IPRA.

The results of the recent election for the 1979-80 Board are: President - Jerry Oakes; President-elect -Dan Newport; Secretary - Greg Meyer; Board Members - Debbie Carlson, Mary Brosious and Robin Hall. Section election results are not yet available.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 21 November/December, 1979

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