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The IPRA Membership Directory has been mailed to all members. We hope you will find the publication useful. Since this is a membership service and the directory is not available to non-members, the Board has asked that you not lend the directory to those persons wishing to use it for advertising purposes. The Publications Committee deserves a special note of thanks for helping to obtain advertisers and to verify agency addresses.

IPRA has initiated a new membership service. We are offering Plitt movie theatre tickets at reduced rates to members, their staffs and friends. By purchasing these tickets through IPRA, members are able to see popular movies and save $1.00 to $1.50 off the regular price. If you have not yet received the information, please call the office (312) 297-6261 for an order form.

The committees have been hard at work planning special activities for members and their agencies. Mark these dates on your calendars now!

June 5-7 Therapeutic Northern Region Workshop

June 7 WSI Workshop (sponsored by the IPRA Special Facilities Section and the American Red Cross)

June 7 IPRA Day with the Chicago Sting Soccer team

July 26 IPRA Day with the Chicago White Sox

August 1 IPRA Playground and Camp Day at Great America

August 5 IPRA Day with the Chicago Cubs

September 4-6 Therapeutic Southern Region Workshop (sponsored by the Therapeutic Section)

September 24 IPRA Management Seminar — "Managing Stress and Conflict"

October 18-23 IPRA Tour to Phoenix for the NRPA Congress

Serving on a park district, forest preserve, or conservation district board is an awesome responsibility— and a noble cause. How well you do your job has a direct bearing on how well you were prepared by your fellow district board members, the executive, and the Illinois Association of Park Districts (IAPD). Your effectiveness as a board member will influence public opinion and the efficiency of the agency. But just what is the job of the park or forest preserve or conservation district board? What is your job as an individual board member?

To help you meet the challenges of serving as a commissioner/board member, the Illinois Association of Park Districts has scheduled an intensive training seminar for both new and experienced board members. The May 24, 1980 seminar is designed to help commissioners understand their duties and responsibilities and to properly exercise their powers. IAPD representatives will provide an overview of the district's legal role, its relationship to the executive and staff, policy development, as well as information on legislation, finance and public relations. Registration material has been mailed and we hope you plan to attend and interact with fellow commissioners from across the State.

The Second Annual Legislative Conference and Reception was held on April 16. We were pleased to witness a tremendous turnout of legislators who took time from their busy schedules to meet with park, forest preserve and conservation commissioners and staff in attendance at the Conference.

Mark your calendars now for the IAPD Legislative Golf Outing scheduled for August 1, 1980 at the Bensenville Park District golf course.

As of April the IAPD membership included 160 park districts, 7 forest preserve and conservation districts, 5 city park and recreation agencies and the State Department of Conservation. We hope you join us in welcoming the new IAPD members for 1980. They are: Arthur Community Park District; Caps Park District; Huntley Park District; Murphysboro Park District; Plum Grove Countryside Park District; Quincy Park District; Boone County Conservation District; and Wilmington Island Park District. By sharing and working together we will strengthen the park and recreation movement in Illinois.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 25 May/June, 1980

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