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WHEREAS: Americans are demanding increased recreation opportunities in an era of inflation and decreasing revenues; and

WHEREAS: Public and private support is necessary for park and recreation systems to continue vital recreation services; and

WHEREAS: Public awareness for all park and recreation systems is vital at the local, state and national level; and

WHEREAS: The National Recreation and Parks Month observes the month of June to create public awareness and increase public perceptions; and

WHEREAS: The National Recreation and Park Association not only supports the observance of June as Recreation and Parks Month, but, also encourages every park and recreation system in the country to plan special events and to seek mayoral, gubernatorial and congressional endorsement of the observance; and

WHEREAS: The United States Senate has passed S.J. Res. 90 marking June 1-7, 1980 as National Recreation and Parks Week; and

WHEREAS: 218 signatures of members of the U.S. Congress are needed for a joint resolution for a possible White House Proclamation;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the National Recreation and Park Association urges all state presidents and their members to contact by letter, telephone and/or mailgram, their entire congressional delegations to seek signatures needed for the passage of S.J. Res. 90.


On March 18, 1980, in the largest voter turnout in Bolingbrook history, the residents of the Bolingbrook Park District approved a $3.4 million general obligation bond issue and a 10 cents per $100 of assessed valuation increase of the corporate fund levy.

Over 26% of the registered voters cast ballots. The three issues were approved by almost a 2:1 margin and will increase the park district tax by approximately 40%.

A Bob Artz memorial book was presented to Pat Artz by IAPD and IPRF during a recent visit to California. Pat sends her thanks and good wishes to all those who remembered Bob in their deeds and actions.

* * * * *

NRPA shows that nation-wide, parks and recreation agencies received 70% of their support from local property taxes, 6% from fees and charges, and 24% from state and federal sources. What are your agency's percentages?



Description: 600 to 1500 words, written in plain language about administering, planning, financing, programming, promoting or otherwise enhancing leisure services in a wide variety of settings.

Deadlines: No later than—
July 15 for September/October issue
(Winter sports emphasis issue)
September 15 for November/December issue
(Special senior citizen theme supplement)
November 15 for January/February issue

Reward: Recognition, pride, stature.

See page 37, September/October 1979 issue for futher details.

, Editor

Illinois Parks and Recreation 38 May/June, 1980

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