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BARBARA STRAUS, President Commissioner, Olympia Fields

ROBERT L. COLE, President-Elect Commissioner, Decatur

WALDON O. DEGNER, Vice-President Commissioner, Palatine

PETER J. KOUKOS, Vice-President Commissioner, Highland Park

DON G. PRINDLE, Vice-President
Board Member, DuPage Co. Forest Preserve

HAROLD C. HAWKINS, Treasurer Trustee, Springfield

JOHN GENSLER, Sergeant-at-Arms Commissioner, Naperville

GERALD E. WERNICK, Past President

JOANNE L. BAKER Commissioner, Rockford

JULIA F. CRANE Commissioner, Homewood-Flossmoor

BRUCE L. LARSON Commissioner,

ROBERT S. NICHOLS Commissioner,

BONNIE W. NOBLE Trustee, Peoria

MORGAN C. POWELL Commissioner, Champaign

RUTH POWERS Commissioner,
Downers Grove

SCOTT RANDOLPH Commissioner,
East St. Louis

SUSAN RIZZO Commissioner,
Park Ridge

BARRY N. SHORE Commissioner,

NORMAN P. SMALLEY Commissioner,

Suite 206 St. George Building 300 East Monroe Street Springfield, Illinois 62701 phone (217) 523-4554

Executive Director

General Counsel

Business Manager

Director for Government Services

Administrative Secretary

Thanks to Jack Gensler and the Meetings, Seminars and Training Committee, the May 31 "Drive-in Seminar" was successful addressing such subjects as board/staff relationships, financing, legislation, referendum planning and school acquisition.

Congratulations to the Winnetka Park District. The Winnetka residents approved an increase in the corporate tax rate from 10 cents to 35 cents. The referendum, held Saturday, May 17, passed by an almost 2 to 1 margin.

Mark your calendars now for the 2nd Annual Legislators Golf Outing, August 1, hosted by the Bensenville Park District at the beautiful White Pines Golf Course. Special honors will be presented to three-time speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives, William A. Redmond who has repeatedly supported recreation and park services. You and your district legislators are invited. We suggest making reservations with your legislators today if you haven't already.

"Local Officials Day" at the State Fair will be Saturday, August 9. All elected local officials will be honored. Watch "Communicator" for further details.


The first laws granting authority to provide parks and recreation services were adopted in 1869. The Illinois Association of Park Districts was organized on March 9, 1928 as a service, research and education organization. As a public interest membership organization, IAPD is dedicated to the wise use of leisure and the conservation of our natural and human resources. The Association recognizes that excellent park, recreation and conservation services affect the quality of life for all citizens and significantly contribute to attracting new business development to the State of Illinois. Membership in IAPD is identified in Chapter 105, Section 8-17 of the Illinois Revised Statutes:

"The corporate authorities of each park district or municipality providing for joining the park district or municipality in membership in the Illinois Association of Park Districts, a non-profit, non-political association of Illinois park districts, city park commissions, and playground and recreation commissions and may provide for the payment of annual membership dues and fees. The member park districts, city park commissions and playground and recreation commissions acting by, through and in the name of such instrumentality may provide and disseminate information and research services, employ personnel, and do any and all other acts for the purpose of improving local and park district government."(Added By-Laws, 1967, p. 3554, effective September 1, 1967.)

From a small start of 16 park districts the Association has grown to a membership comprised of over 230 park districts, recreation agencies and municipalities, townships, forest preserve and conservation districts as well as park/recreation divisions of the State Government.

The member agencies of IAPD provide the residents of Illinois with diverse recreation facilities and areas including playgrounds, swimming pools, tennis courts, golf courses, indoor ice rinks, natural areas, airports, zoos, museums, convention halls and stadiums.


The future holds many challenges. Research reports now verify that recreation provides relief from daily stress, increases employee productivity, promotes greater family solidarity as well as contributing to good physical and mental fitness. These nationwide reports show that the public use of more proximate recreation resources has increased dramatically due to high costs and limited availability of energy. This trend is un-

See IAPD . . . Page 33

Illinois Parks and Recreation 31 July/August, 1980

IAPD... From Page 31

likely to be reversed in the near future thus our mission is a most serious one.

Park and recreation commissioners/trustees must continue to be involved in the educational programs offered through IAPD to keep abreast of changing conditions affecting park district policy. The Annual Conference and regional seminars provide an unparalleled opportunity for the commissioners/trustees to come together to examine the latest developments and issues confronting park, recreation and leisure services.

A list of educational programs and publications is available through the IAPD office. Your input in the Association's programs and services is necessary and deeply desired. We encourage you to contact the IAPD office if you would like to serve on a state-wide committee or the Association's Board of Directors.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 33 July/August, 1980

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