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Legislative Awareness Day August 1, 1980

Legislative Scene

by Peter M. Murphy
Director of Governmental Services IAPD

House Bill 1800 was signed by the Governor on August 24 and became Public Act 81-1412. This Act gives authority to the Chicago Park District to sell and deliver alcoholic liquor in buildings and on property of the District pursuant to the permission of the Board of Park Commissioners. The IAPD sees this as a substantial step toward providing all park districts with the permissive authority to sell alcohol on park property and eliminate the uncertainty and confusion presently surrounding this area of the law.

House Bill 2824 was signed by the Governor on September 15, 1980 and became Public Act 81-1477. This represents a continuing effort to bring unemployment insurance in Illinois onto a par with those unemployment insurance programs of other industrial states. This legislation provides that an individual who voluntarily leaves his employment is ineligible for benefits until he has established eligibility as a result of subsequent employment. This does not apply to an individual leaving employment due to illness, acceptance of other bona fide work, in lieu of accepting a job deemed unsuitable, "bumping," or sexual harassment. Minimum benefits under the Act have been increased from not less than $15 to not less than 15% of the statewide average weekly wage.

Gubernatorial Action pending on three pieces of legislation governing the conduct and timing of referenda and the elections of officers of units of local government and school districts was finalized on September 19, 1980, when House Bills 2917 and 2918 were signed into law and became P.A. 81-1489 and P.A. 81-1490 respectively. House Bill 3229 had been previously signed by the Governor on September 3, 1980 and became P.A. 81-1433. (Please note that elections for commissioners of park districts take place during the consolidated election on the first Tuesday in April of odd numbered years.)

Illinois Parks and Recreation 12 November/December 1980

Pictured above is Governor James Thompson and officials of the Illinois Association of Park Districts and the Illinois Parks and Recreation Association witnessing the signing of Public Act 81-1506. Included in this legislation is an increase in the non-referendum of bonding authority for park districts. (Left to Right): Peter Murphy, Director of Government Services. IAPD, Springfield: Robert Cole. President-Elect, IAPD, Decatur: Harris Fawell, General Counsel, IAPD, Naperville: Ted Flickinger, Executive Director, IAPD, Springfield; Barbara Straus. President, IAPD, Olympia Fields: Dan Newport. President-Elect, IPRA, Elmhurst; David Phillips, Co-chairman, Joint Legislative Committee, IPRA, Wheeling. Seated is Governor James Thompson.

House Bill 2982 was signed by the Governor on September 19, 1980 becoming Public Act 81-1498. This legislation amends the Forest Preserve District Act to authorize the corporate authorities of any Forest Preserve District to levy annually a tax of not more than .035% for the purpose of constructing and maintaining zoological parks and the buildings and grounds thereof. For the purposes of establishing, constructing, and maintaining any botanical garden, the corporate authorities of any forest preserve district have been additionally authorized to levy annually a tax not to exceed .015%. This Act further provides for the establishment of a zoological working cash fund.

On September 15, 1980 Governor Thompson signed into law House Bill 3250 and gave Illinois significant and comprehensive workers' compensation reform. Public Act 81-1482 includes the following reforms:

Accidental injuries which occur while an employee is participating in a voluntary recreational program including athletic events, picnics or parties are excluded on the basis that they do not arise out of the course of employment even though the employer pays part or all of the cost of the activity.

Hearing loss standards are included in the law and specified.

"Average weekly wage" is redefined with part-time or casual workers receiving benefits in relation to their actual earnings.

The maximum weekly benefit for permanent partial disability will be frozen for three years beginning January 1, 1981 and the minimum benefit for specified fractures or loss of certain organs will be decreased by 90%.

Two or more employees with similar risk characteristics may enter into an agreement to pool their liabilities for the purpose of qualifying as group self-insurers. Rules and regulations governing group insurance are presently being drafted by the Department of Insurance.

Attorney's fees are limited and guided by the Act and its legislative intent "to encourage settlement and prompt administrative handling of such claims and thereby reduce expenses for claimants."

(This synopsis is intended only as a brief highlighting of P.A. 81-1482, for more specific information please contact IAPD offices.)

House Bill 3542 which would have increased the tax rate limit of the Chicago Park District from .60% to .66% for general purposes and from .09% to .12% for aquariums and museums was vetoed by the Governor on September 9, 1980.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 13 November/December 1980


The Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs—Office of Local Management Services provides local governments with information, assistance and expertise in the development and improvement of programs involving fiscal management and general administration. These services are rendered on a request basis and are free of charge to all local governments.

The following publications developed by DCCA may be of interest to your park, forest preserve or conservation district:

1. Simplified Financial Management for Illinois Park Districts— 1979. (Provides a sound program for financial management—cost is $10.00 per copy.)

2. Risk Management Guidebook—1980. (Outlines considerations for use in the management of risk and loss—cost is $3.00 per copy.)

3. Purchasing Guidebook—1980. (Provides a guide for the evaluation of existing management practices in purchasing—cost is $3.00 per copy.)

4. The Illinois Tax Rate and Levy Manual. (Does your district take advantage of all available levies for such areas as IMRF, Social Security and Unemployment Insurance? This manual lists all available tax levies and their statutory authority—free of charge to local governments.)

Publications available through: Illinois Department of Commerce & Community Affairs, Office of Local Management Services, 222 South College St., Springfield, IL 62706.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 14 November/December 1980

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