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And the spirits chuckled

It's 10:45 a.m., Thursday, January 15, 1981.

In the corridor behind the Senate chambers, Phil Rock, alone for the moment, looks over his shoulder, slips into his office and locks the door. He unlocks the bottom drawer of his desk and pulls out a phone that hasn't rung for four years. Staring at the phone, he seems immobilized. Then he dials.

"Good morning. Cloud Nine. Angel Howard speaking. May I help you?"

"This is Phil Rock. I've got to talk to Dick Daley right away."

ANGEL: Mr. Richard J. Daley? Yes, he's here. Just a moment, please . . .

I'm sorry, Mr. Rock, he doesn't want to talk to you.

ROCK: This is important. Tell him I have to talk to him.

ANGEL: I'm sorry, Mr. Rock, but Mr. Daley said he's busy.

ROCK: Tell him I'm sorry I didn't ever call before. Tell him we all miss him. Tell him it's not my fault. . . . What's he doing that he can't come to the phone?

ANGEL: I believe Mr. Daley is conversing with his friend, Mr. Powell.

ROCK: Powell? You mean Paul?

ANGEL: Yes, Mr. Rock, I believe that's the gentleman's name. He and Mr. Daley appear to be in the middle of a most amusing conversation. Mr. Daley is laughing and slapping Mr. Powell on the back.

ROCK: Oh my god. He knows. Did he . . . did he say anything else?

ANGEL: Mr. Daley said to ask you what you want.

ROCK: Well, 1 ... I, frankly, kind of wish I could ask him what to do.

ANGEL: Mr. Powell just said to tell you to ask Jim Thompson. He says Mr. Thompson knows a majority when he sees one.

ROCK: Can we ... I was going to suggest ... we could . . .

ANGEL: Excuse me. Mr. Daley just said to tell you that's what he calls getting even.

ROCK: Could you . . . could you ask him . . .

ANGEL: Mr. Daley said to tell you he couldn't have done a better job himself.

ROCK: Could you . . . could you ask him . . .

ANGEL: Mr. Daley said to tell you he wishes he'd done it himself.

ROCK: Could you . . . could you ask him . . .

ANGEL: I'm sorry, Mr. Rock, but Mr. Daley and Mr. Powell have left for lunch.

ROCK: Did he . . . did he leave a message for me?

ANGEL: I'll check, Mr. Rock. Just a moment please . . .

Yes, Mr. Rock, there is a message.

ROCK: Read . . . read it to me.

ANGEL: Very well, Mr. Rock. It says, "Don't call me; call Richie."

March 1981/Illinois Issues/7

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