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Solar energy
and conservation

EDITOR: Please convey my regards to Gary Adkins for the excellent article he wrote on solar energy. It was accurate and well written with an obviously large amount of research time in compilating it.

Thank you for including such an article in your magazine. Information of this kind will probably have more effect on the growth of conservation and solar in Illinois than most of the efforts to date by the Federal government.

     Dean P. Wright
     Illinois Solar Resource Advisory Council

On solar energy in Illinois

EDITOR: The "Solar Energy" article in your April issue provided an accurate and comprehensive overview of the possibilities for widespread solar use in Illinois. The Illinois Institute of Natural Resources is attempting through a variety of programs, to show homeowners that solar energy is indeed an alternative to skyrocketing energy bills.

By constructing energy-efficient solar homes, money goes back into the state's economy instead of flowing to other states or countries. Solar energy also provides an energy source which is clean, safe, efficient and available to almost every resident of our state. These qualities make it a major alternative energy source.

As you pointed out, problems such as changing prevailing attitudes do remain. But these difficulties can be surmounted if the public continues to get correct information on the range of solar solutions available to meet our energy needs.

     Frank Beal, Director,
     Illinois Institute of Natural Resources

July 1981/Illinois Issues/9

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