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Selected State Reports


State Documents
■     Commission for Economic Development: Report and Recommendations (January 1981), 66 pp. Available from the commission at 222 South College, Springfield 62706.

The recommendations in this report are based on the feeling that the positive aspects of Illinois' economic situation provide the state both an opportunity and an obligation to do more for its citizens than is possible for other states. Eight areas are covered: international business, statutory revisions, transportation, new and expanded programs, energy, natural resources and the environment, community and neighborhood revitalization, and long-term economic issues.

■     Buyers Guide to Homeowners and Tenants Insurance (16 pp.) and Buyers Guide to Automobile Insurance (12 pp.), Department of Insurance, 320 W. Washington, Springfield 62767 (both 1980 editions).

These two pamphlets contain basic information such as types of insurance, levels of need, general tips; each also contains a worksheet to assist in comparative insurance shopping.

■   Climatology of High Damaging Wind in Illinois, by Stanley A. Changnon Jr., Illinois State Water Survey (1980), 44 pp.

High winds are a major weather hazard in Illinois, producing more property loss than any other weather hazard and the third greatest weather loss to crops. High winds are most frequent in southern Illinois, but more of the extreme events occur in northern Illinois. The state has an average of 67 days of high winds a year, with the most extensive wind events occurring in the colder half of the year.

■   Illinois Third Consecutive Severe Winter: 1978-1979, by Stanley A. Changnon Jr., David Changnon, and Phyllis Stone, Illinois State Water Survey (1980), 31 pp.

For the first time since records began in the 1880's, a third consecutive severe winter occurred in Illinois in 1978-79. Seventeen major winter storms, the state's record coldest January-February, and record snow depths made it the second worst in Illinois history. These conditions had an enormous social and economic impact on the state.

■ Planning Update, Department of Conservation, Division of Planning, Stratton Building, Springfield 62706.

This is a new quarterly newsletter whose purpose is to provide information on the Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Planning Program as well as other activities and legislative and policy developments.

Items listed under State Documents have been received by the Documents Unit, Illinois State Library, Springfield, and are usually available from public libraries in the state through inter-library loan./Anna J. Merritt.

18/July 1981/Illinois Issues

Illinois Periodicals Online (IPO) is a digital imaging project at the Northern Illinois University Libraries funded by the Illinois State Library