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Legislative Scene

by Peter M. Murphy

The Board of Directors of the IAPD and IPRA have approved the legislative platform for the 1981 session of the 82nd General Assembly. The platform is representative of the requests and needs of the entire membership as they were communicated to and developed by the Joint Legislative Committee over a number of months. Park districts having a special interest in a particular legislative initiative are urged to contact the IAPD offices so that the effect that such legislation will have on your district can be fully communicated to the legislature. The 1981 legislative platform follows:

1. Authorization for the refunding or payment of outstanding revenue bonds by a general obligation bond issue authorized by the referendum.

2. Increase in the recreation tax from .17% to .35%.

3. Authorization for the sale, use and/or delivery of alcoholic beverages in buildings and on the grounds of Park Districts subject to the approval of the local board of commissioners.

4. An increase in the museum tax from 1 1/2¢ to 3¢.

5. Amendment of the working cash fund to permit Park Districts to levy for not more than four (4) years.

6. Elimination of need to publish the appropriation ordinance.

7. Amendment of the Park District Code to enable SRA's to be formed in instances where no two park districts exist in the geographic area to be served.

8. Elimination of the front door referendum as a prerequisite to a levy of the paving and lighting tax and the police tax.

8. Legislation providing for direct State aid.

IAPD/IPRA will also work to actively support legislation, as members of a coalition of interested groups, when the interests of local governments can be promoted as in the case of establishing funding for the Open Space Lands Acquisition Act.

The legislative platform, the legislative process, the organizational structure of the legislature and the national advocacy program being developed by Illinois will be discussed in detail during the Legislative Regional Meetings held throughout the State during 1981. The most effective legislative advocate is the active and interested individual on the local level. Each of us must carry the banner for parks and recreation. The demand for regional legislative meetings is indicative of our memberships desire to communicate our perspective to our legislators and address those issues affecting parks and recreation in 1981.

Regional legislative meetings will be held in the following areas:

Carbondale—January 31
Springfield—February 21
Sterling —March 2
Highland Park—March 3
Naperville —March 4

Illinois Parks and Recreation 23 January/February 1981

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