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1980 NRPA Congress

"Life. Be in it."

The 1980 Congress held in Phoenix, Arizona saw the official kick-off of NRPA's "Life. Be in it." campaign. The campaign is projected to run through 1985.

During the summer and fall of 1980, NRPA conducted a pilot of the campaign in 24 selected TV market areas throughout the United States. Approximately 700 local recreation and park agencies were involved. The purpose of the pilot was to work out "kinks" in the campaign, and a complete evaluation is now underway. The results of the evaluation will be used in planning our activities for the coming year.

Plans now call for "Life. Be in it." to "go national" in the spring of 1981. The following are details of how this will be handled:

1. The LBII television spots will be distributed to the top 50-75 TV market areas in the country. Our research has found that these markets cover approximately 95% of the total country. Only a few remote areas are not covered, but many of these have access to cable television.

2. A key contact will be identified in each market area. Their sole responsibility is to get the spots on TV. All spots will be shown as PSA's (public service announcements) except in cases where local sponsors can be found.

3. Communities located within a large market area, but who also have local TV stations may obtain copies of the spots for local viewing.

4. The TV spots will be available after April 15,1981. It is anticipated that the spots will be aired commencing around mid-May.

5. Program kits, LBII material order forms, logo sheets, etc. will be sent to all local agencies around February 1. A limited supply of materials used in the 1980 pilot campaign are available and will be distributed until supplies are exhausted. Most of these pilot materials are being revised for distribution at the February 1 time period.

6. It is anticipated that most agencies will begin active promotion of LBII with their summer 1981 programs. However, agencies who have LBII materials on hand are free to begin using the logos anytime. Agencies who do not have the materials are urged to wait until they receive the 1981 supply.

7. LBII buttons, bumper stickers, and posters are now available for bulk purchase by local agencies.

8. LBII radio spots are now in production for distribution directly to local radio stations beginning late spring. Details on these spots will be spent to you at a later date.

9. Distribution of the TV spots will be coordinated through the NRPA Regional Service Centers. In addition, the NRPA Regional Directors will be conducting LBII briefing meetings, workshops, etc. at many state and regional conferences. They will also provide any information, technical assistance, etc. on any aspect of the LBII campaign.

10. The LBII logo and symbols are protected by copyright laws. Therefore, all agencies are urged to use caution in using the material. Important points to remember:

(a) When the words "Life. Be in it." are used on any brochure, the official logo in its entirety must appear somewhere in the material.

(b) In addition, the copyright signature ( TM 1975. State of Victoria Australia) must appear in the official logo. Very small print can be used.

(c) Do not use firms who produce tobacco products or alcoholic beverages as sponsors of "Life. Be in it." events.

(d) Do not manufacture LBII products for commercial sale.

More details on these points will appear in the material that will be sent to you in February.

11. NRPA maintains a list of all local, county, and special district recreation and park agencies in the country. For some reason, your agency may not be on this list. If you have not received your LBII kit by mid-February, please contact NRPA.

12. Finally, if your agency produces any LBII materials (e.g. brochures) may we have two copies? Any photos, newspaper articles, etc. would also be appreciated.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 33 January/February 1981

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