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N.R.P.A.— It's for YOU!

by Joe Schultz Regional Director, NRPA

The primary strength and major resources of the recreation and park movement are located in the communities throughout this nation. It takes strong leadership and individuals thoroughly dedicated to parks and recreation to further the cause of a leisure ethic within these communities. Many persons in the parks and recreation profession can do things individually to further this cause. However, it takes a national association to collectively gather resources and push for the leisure ethic nationwide. Your Association, the National Recreation and Park Association, is the one united voice who speaks on your behalf nationwide.

The major NRPA Goals are:

1) Increased awareness of the recreation and park movement by the public through:

a) Friends and supporters

b) Public education and public relations

c) Public recognition programs

2) To develop adequate finances for NRPA services by:

a) Stimulating interest in and financial support for the work of the Association

b) Assisting in the development and promotion of an effective fund/support program for the Association among citizen groups and professionals

3) To develop legislation and policy at all levels through:

a) Securing public support of bills to improve recreation and park services

b) Proposing favorable and opposing unfavorable legislation related to the recreation and park movement.

c) Establishing policy statements on all matters affecting recreation and park services.

d) Reviewing, establishing and promoting effective recreation and park standards.

The future success of the park and recreation field lies with the hundreds of students enrolled in the park and recreation curriculum and the many dedicated teachers who truly believe in this profession.

The National Recreation and Park Association needs you! We need your skills and vocal support to further the cause of our profession. Certainly there can be no question about the absolute need for a strong national body, an advocate which can speak for parks and recreation interest in the United States. Never before has there existed such an urgent need for a strong, viable national organization. We, as professionals and students, must continue to forge ahead in our mutual intent to place NRPA on the top rung among national organizations. Please bear in mind that this is not a self-serving statement. It is really not so important what we do to advance the name of NRPA, but it is extremely important, in fact urgent, that we take the necessary steps to advance the best interests of the recreation and park movement in this country through the institution of our National Association.

Someone has said that no movement was ever successful in the United States without the support of a national advocate speaking for its concerns. In my opinion, we have no decent alternative to continuing our endeavors to build NRPA into the kind of organization which can provide direction for the recreation and park interests of the country.

NRPA provides a number of personnel and employment services; among these are:

1) Career information in the form of a brochure entitled, "Service to Humanity" and a booklet entitled, "Careers in Parks, Recreation and Leisure Services".

2) Publication twice a month of the National Job Bulletin listing current position vacancy information from across the United States for the field of Parks, Recreation and Leisure Services.

3) The EMPLOY publication designed to assist individuals, primarily college students, in their own job search. Provides employment resource information for many traditional and non-traditional employment settings within the park and recreation field.

4) Conduct of a National Congress Job Mart to assist employers in the recruitment of personnel and to advise interested professionals of career opportunities.

5) Information and technical assistance for Regional and State Park and Recreation Associations Societies Job Marts.

6) A new publication, "National Personnel Guidelines for Park, Recreation, Leisure Service Positions" contains over 60 updated and modern job specifications for a broad variety of park, recreation and leisure service positions at the Executive, Administrative and operations level. A model Park and Recreation and Leisure Service Services Department organizational structure is one of numerous features in the publication.

Pass the word about your National Association! It serves as the one united voice in America speaking nationally for all segments of the park, recreation and leisure movement.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 29 March/April 1981

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