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Mahomet's Museum:
New Celebrations of Old Frontiers

Visitors to Mahomet's Early American Museum had a special treat in July, as they enjoyed an "Old-fashioned Sunday in the Park." The museum, operated by the Champaign County Forest Preserve District, hosts a variety of programs from May through October including this special event.

"Old-fashioned Sunday in the Park" was a new and expanded version of the museum's annual Arts and Crafts Show, which has been successful for many years. Raylene Scholtens, Program and Education Coordinator, is enthused about the show's new look. "In addition to the artists and craftspeople, we had an ice cream social all afternoon and games for kids of all ages." Fun-for-all activities included pie-eating contests, egg tosses, sack races, and a variety of other games.

More than sixteen traditional crafts were represented at the show, all having a tie to nature or history. Thus they fitted well into the setting provided by this outstanding museum and its beautiful gardens. Many exhibits and demonstrations utilized the colorful botanical gardens as their background.

Ms. Scholtens points out that exhibitors demonstrate their crafts, "so that visitors may see not only the finished product but also how it is made." This feature has always been well-received by participants, and sets the museum event apart from the many pioneer days or festivals in other places which are primarily foodfests and marketplaces.

Some of the demonstrations included crafts traditionally seen at most pioneer or American history-oriented shows, such as quilting, chaircaning, and herbal medicines and uses. Others, such as the making of dulcimers and violins, basket-weaving, wood-carving, cooperage and calligraphy proved especially interesting. The making of rag dolls, resin flowers, stained glass, jewelry, miniatures, several cloth items and china painting rounded out the arts and crafts event.

Beauty—a prescription for serenity.

History and craft—a pleasant mix,

The Early American Museum is located one mile north of 1-74 on route 47 in Mahomet. The museum schedule also includes some other interesting activities, some of which utilize the buildings and gardens in greater detail. "Arrangements in Music and Flowers" was a unique flower show and live music program (including German and Dixieland bands) held in June. The "Annual Antique Show" will be held on August 9th, from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m.

September 19th and 20th will bring a "Colonial Muster," featuring tours of British and colonial "campgrounds," re-enacted battles, and Revolutionary War music. "Apple Harvest Day," set for October 11th, completes the museum's 1981 special activities. Visitors will enjoy hot-out-of-the-kettle apple butter, fresh apple cider, and delicious apple fritters. In addition, the Towaskate Long Rifles will be assembled at their teepees in buckskins, demonstrating black-powder rifles and tomahawk throwing.

"Variety is the spice of life," it is said, and the series of programs offered by the Champaign County Forest Preserve District seems to fill the bill. Ms. Scholtens invites inquiries on any and all activities of the museum, and is eager to share ideas with others interested in programs of a historic nature. She may be reached at the Early American Museum, Rox 336, Mahomet, Illinois, 61853 (217-586-2612).

Illinois Parks and Recreation 12 July/August 1981

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