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Senior Citizens' Initiative in the Parks

In the past five years, there has been a growing demand for programs especially designed for the older American. Increased funding by federal agencies has led to a variety of services being offered to this segment of our population, including adult meal sites, home-delivered meals, free transportation, and home nursing care, to name a few.

In 1977, the Vermilion County Conservation District initiated a recreation program utilizing park facilities, and planned for senior citizens throughout the county. Funded by a grant from the East-Central Illinois Agency for the Aging, the District developed its program in cooperation with Senior Adult Meal Service (SAMS) to provide a weekly picnic and recreation outing in the District's two facilities. Forest Glen Preserve and Kennekuk Cove County Park.

Getting the program off to a good start was essential for success, and careful selection of a program director was paramount. Lucille J. Thompson, a wiry and ambitious 82-year-old, was our choice. Mrs. Thompson was already well-known to many area seniors through her volunteer work with the Danville Public Library and programs at meal sites and club meetings. She and her 84-year-old spouse were firm believers in physical fitness and proper nutrition, and organic gardening. Mrs. Thompson seemed ideal for the job. What senior citizen could possibly tell her they were "too old" to participate in the program?

She set to work with her usual contagious enthusiasm, and soon had an average of 75 to 80 persons attending the weekly gatherings. Her selling points were enticing: free transportation if needed, a free picnic lunch, and a day of fun in one of our beautiful parks. Activities included nature hikes, lawn games such as bowling, croquet, horseshoes and lawn darts, table games and crafts. Special treats included a hayride, weiner roast, and occasional movie or travelog on a rainy day. Once each month a potluck was held in place of the picnic. Participants brought their favorite dishes and showed off their culinary skills.

Director Lucille Thompson (left) and
Driver Harold Youngblood check in a participant.

Eating is part of the fun.

Our senior citizens loved the program and its director. Attendance soared, and on some days there were more than 100 persons enjoying the fellowship and good fun. Many returned week after week, and there was a continual stream of newcomers as well. There was no doubt that our pilot program was a huge success.

Transportation was provided from the "Senior Citizen's Drop-in Center" in Danville. One of the participants, a former school-bus driver, volunteered to drive the van each week. Other participants regularly picked up the food from the caterer, and transported it to the parks. The meals were furnished co-operatively by the Conservation District and SAMS. Recreation equipment was purchased with grant money. Craft ideas came from several participants, each eager to share their knowledge and hobbies with others.

Our Senior Citizen's Program is now in its fifth summer. Underwritten entirely by the Conservation District, it continues to be one of our most successful activities. Lucille Thompson is still at it's helm, assisted by her husband and a committee of seniors who have "grown up" with the program. The format has changed little, with each participant choosing either active or passive recreation as their own needs and preferences dictate. Mrs. Thompson is proud of the fact that several of "our crowd" are in better health since becoming a part of the program. Good exercise and a sense of belonging are especially necessary for enjoying life as a retiree, and the Vermilion County Conservation District's Recreation program for seniors accomplishes both. We are proud of our pilot project, and encourage other park and recreation districts to follow in our footsteps and provide a needed service in their own communities.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 24 July/August 1981

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