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TIM ROYSTER has resigned his position as Superintendent of Recreation for the Schaumburg Park District where he has worked since May 1,1979.

Royster has been active in the field of Parks and Recreation since high school where he served as a volunteer and paid leader for the Rockford Park District. In recognition for his experience with Rockford, he received the Illinois Park and Recreation Society's scholarship given to the outstanding student entering the Recreation profession in 1966. He used the scholarship to attend the University of Illinois where he received both his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Park and Recreation Administration.

After graduation, Royster worked as Director of the Golf Maine Park District and then as Superintendent of Recreation and finally Director of the Geneva Park District. He left Geneva to work at Schaumburg.

Royster left Schaumburg to accept the position of Project Manager with the National Engineering and Marketing Company Limited in Saudi Arabia. He will oversee the planning and operation of all recreational facilities and programs in the new industrial city of Yanbu. He will be directly responsible for 250 full time employees, 43 recreation halls, 44 swimming pools, cable TV operations, 4 libraries and numerous other facilities.

In honor of its 75th Anniversary, Riverdale Park District was granted an Honors Award by IAPD during the recent annual conference. The park district was founded on Nov. 4, 1905 and is the 6th oldest member of the association. Photo shows presentation of the award by Honors Committee representatives Frank Theriault (right center) and Richard Gory (right). Accepting the award on behalf of the park district are (L to R) Park Commissioners Jo Fransen, Gerry Mazurek, Gary Boston and Vice Pres. Clara Truchon. Pres. William J. Foy, Jr. was unable to be present. Photo by Carol Reilly.

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LELAND O. KEW is the new Director of Parks and Recreation for the Peoria, Illinois Park District. He succeeds Rhodell E. Owens who served the District 36 years and was the Director for 30 years. The position of Director of Parks and Recreation was established in 1951 and held by Owens until his retirement.

After graduating from Iowa State University in 1954, Kew joined the Peoria staff as the first design professional for the District. In 1958 he was named Assistant to Director Owens and served in that capacity until 1960.

Upon leaving Peoria, Kew gained wide experience in the field of parks and recreation planning as an associate with architectural firms in the Washington, D.C. area. He was a consultant for the Bull Run Regional Park Authority in Virginia, which was the first Bureau of Outdoor Recreation Project in the United States.

Kew returned to the Peoria Park District in 1979 as Coordinator of Development and was named Deputy Director in 1980.

THOMAS KRUSE has been appointed Director of Parks and Recreation for the Belvidere Park District as of January 4, 1982. A graduate of Illinois State University, Tom has been employed in the field for the past eight years. Park districts for which Tom has worked on a full-time basis include: Chicago, Hanover Park, Arlington Heights, and Mt. Prospect.

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The Illinois Park and Recreation Association (IPRA) has won the GOLD CIRCLE COMMUNICATIONS AWARD from the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE). IPRA will receive the award for their RUN TO SPRINGFIELD project entered under the category, "Public Relations Promotion for a Specific Purpose."

ASAE GOLD CIRCLE AWARDS are presented annually to associations demonstrating outstanding communications and public relations efforts. IPRA Executive Director, Kay Forest, and Public Relations Director, Lydia Lombardo, are members of the national society which represents approximately 10,000 association executives from over 6,000 organizations.

A statewide media event, the August 1981 RUN TO SPRINGFIELD attracted television, radio, newspaper and magazine coverage throughout Illinois. Running day and night, in Olympic fashion, 48 IPRA members carried scissor-halves from opposite ends of Illinois for the State Fair ribbon cutting ceremony. When the last runners reached the capital, the scissors were joined and presented to Governor Thompson.

The Illinois Park and Recreation Association is comprised of over 1600 park and recreation professionals who plan, administer and supervise leisure services throughout the entire state.

IPRA's entry was one of 423 submitted from associations nationwide. Twenty-seven awards will be presented at the ASAE Mid-Year Conference, March 15, in New York City.

Illinois Parks and Recreation    22    March/April 1982

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