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Selected State Reports

State Documents

Final Report, Illinois Study Commission on Public Pension Investment Policies (March 1982), 69 pp.; available from Office of the Governor, 160 N. LaSalle, RM. 2000, Chicago 60601.

In answer to the question of whether the five state public employee pension funds can be invested to promote economic development while at the same time protecting the interests of the beneficiaries of the retirement systems, the study commission recommended that the investment funds be subject to the prudent person rule and that the statutory list of specific restrictions be eliminated. The report describes the purpose and overview of the commission, explains the structure and condition of the five state systems, analyzes the major issues, and lists the findings as well as the implementation recommendations; it also includes almost 30 pages of tables and other specific information.

Fact sheets available from Department of Commerce and Community Affairs, Community Energy Conservation Program (1-800-252-8643).

  • Water Conservation
  • Heating
  • Lighting, Appliances, Kitchen, Laundry and Bath
  • Travel
  • Cooling

Buyers Guide to Life Insurance, Department of Insurance (June 1982), 12 pp.

This modest booklet provides some useful hints to understanding the many terms used by insurers, the wide variety of types of insurance, and how best to meet one's insurance needs.

Fighting Arson: An Update on Illinois' Cooperative Effort, Chicago Department of Public Safety and Illinois Department of Insurance (1982), 42 pp.

Though the combined efforts of representatives of local, state and federal agencies, civic and community groups, and the insurance industry, both Chicago and the state as a whole have sharply reduced the incidence of arson. The approaches used here may serve as a model for other communities and states. They included an extensive legislative effort, community organization, cooperation with fire and police officials and follow-through by the judicial system.

Items listed under State Documents have been received by the Documents Units, Illinois State Library, Springfield, and are usually available from public libraries in the state through inter-library loan.           Anna J. Merritt

February 1983 | Illinois Issues | 17

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Illinois Periodicals Online (IPO) is a digital imaging project at the Northern Illinois University Libraries funded by the Illinois State Library