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5-9 Chicago Boat, Sports & RV Show, McCormick Place. Chicago

22-23 Rock Cut Winter Carnival, Rock Cut State Park. Loves Park

29 Palisades Hill & Dale Ski Race, Mississippi Palisades State Park, Savanna


14-Mar. 8 Azalea & Camellia Flower Show, Lincoln & Gartield Park Conservatories. Chicago

25-27 Rockford Boat, Camper & Travel Show, Metro Centre. Rockford

26-Mar. 6 Chicago Auto Show, McCormick Place, Chicago

NPRA Institute

February 20-24, 1983 37th Annual Great Lakes Park Training Institute, Pokagon State Park, Angola, Indiana

IPRA Events & Seminars

January 23-26, Professional Development School — Contemporary Wage & Salary Program, University of Illinois. Champaign Urbana, sponsored by IPRA Administration & Finance Section.

January 31, IPRA Day with DePaul Basketball

February 5, IPRA Day with the Chicago Sting.

February I5, IPRA Day with the Chicago Bulls.

February 21-24, IPRA Arts Management Institute 'The Arts, an Added Dimension in Recreation," Allerton Park. Monticello. IL, sponsored by the Recreation Section.

March 9, IPRA Day at the Ice Capades.

April 17-20, Mid-Year Section Forum — Midyear management conference. Champaign Urbana. sponsored by the Sections of IPRA.

April 18-20, Marketing Leisure Services — Special management seminar to be held during the Mid-Year Forum.

IPRA Events & Seminars

January 14, IAPD Board of Directors Meeting. Champaign.

February 26, IAPD Personnel Administration Evaluation Seminar, Hyatt Regency O'Hare. Rosemont.

March 5, IAPD Board of Directors Meeting (Location to be announced).

April 12 or April 20, Legislative Conference & Reception. Hilton Hotel, Springfield.

May 14, Commissioners Education Training Seminar. Rockford.

August 5, Legislators Golf Outing (Location to be announced).

Illinois Parks and Recreation 8 January/February 1983

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