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By January the annual Illinois Park and Recreation Conference is past history ... or is it? It is somewhat hard to believe but since the conference is such a massive undertaking, the Planning Committees under the leadership of Steve Hartman, Lisle, and Jane Johnson,Glencoe, have already begun work on the 83 event . . .

Both IAPD and IPRA have received numerous suggestions and ideas regarding topics, speakers and events for the conference, but many were received too late to be included in this particular year's program. For the 1983 conference, we have put together a time table and list of persons responsible for various sessions. If you are unable to reach those listed send your suggestions directly to the IAPD or IPRA offices.

1983 Conference Time Table

February 1 — All topic suggestions submitted to the following:

Roger Toohey (Wheaton Park District)

— commissioner/board member sessions, IAPD, legal and legislative.

John Wilson (Chicago Ridge Park District) — administration and finance.

Ann Mays (Country Club Hills Park District) — recreation programming.

Bill Geihsler (Palatine Park District) — parks and natural resource management.

Jan Manhold (NSSRA) — therapeutic recreation.

Pat Hussey (Schaumburg Park District) — special facilities.

Sue Donnelly (Eastern Ill. Univ.) — student sessions.

February 15 — All conference session topics finalized.

April 15 — Educational session chairpersons selected.

After April 15, the individual session chairs with conference committee guidance are responsible for their own program, including the recruitment of panelists.


Plans are already underway for the IPRA Mid-Year Section Forum to be held April 17-20, 1983 at the Ramada Inn, Champaign.

The Forum is a series of in-depth management seminars planned by the various sections. Topics this year will include:

— Editing and Layout of Printed Materials

(Continued on page 18)


Dear IAPD Member:

Last year twenty-nine member agencies participated in the voluntary dues check-off program enabling the Association to purchase a computer to further advance our legislative efforts and membership services.

The IAPD Board of Directors voted to again promote the voluntary dues check-off program to cover the items below that we are identifying by priority as funds become available for 1983.

1. Legislative Hotline Service

A goal of the Joint Legislative Committee for 1983 is to have all park, recreation, forest preserve and conservation agencies plugged into the legislative hotline. We recommend the installation of an 800 telephone line for all incoming calls to receive important legislative messages. In this respect all agencies may call, free of charge, the IAPD offices to receive a daily message on legislative activities. Cost for this legislative service is: $170/month or $2,040 for 10 hours per month of Illinois Watts line, installation charge $81; answering machine $200; extra Watt's time if necessary $500 for a total of $2,821.00.

2. Emergency Legal Services

Funds should be set aside for special legal issues or to combat future tax limitation measures. This does not include the daily requests for legal assistance which is supplied by the IAPD office. Director of Governmental Services and the General Counsel. For 1983 we are proposing to identify $4,000 from the dues check-off to help offset any future legal fees above the regular operation budget of $12,000. In 1982, legal fees for court cases exceeded $17,000.00.

3. Legislative Information System

This system is utilized to maintain an up-to-date record of all legislation of interest to the Association. The computerized system is offered through the State of Illinois and is compatible with the IAPD computer and will provide access to information within 15 minutes of last action. The cost is $500.00.

4. Daily Legislative Service (LIS)

This is a daily service of written reports describing bills introduced and committee assignments. These reports tell us what committee action has been taken on a daily basis. The LIS establishes a user file for select bills of interest to the Association. The Daily Legislative Report provides an overview of all action taking place in the General Assembly. Cost is $800.00 for IAPD/IPRA.

(Continued on page 18)

Illinois Parks and Recreation 17 January/February 1983

From IPRA (cont. from p. 17)

— Energy Planning and Management

— American Coaching Effectiveness Program

— Racquet Sports School

— Supervisory Techniques for Mid-Level Supervisors

— Developing an Effective Volunteer Program

— Homebound Seniors.

In addition a two-day Marketing Seminar conducted by John Crompton (Texas A & M) will explore identification of markets, pricing, developing and managing the recreation product and promotions.

The committee is working hard to provide a quality educational program interspersed with recreational activities for the two-day period. A special general session on the Pro's and Con's of National Certification will be held. Other activities will include a section challenge golf tournament and a talent show. All IPRA members should receive registration materials in early March, but mark your calendars now.


The 2nd Annual Arts Management Institute will be held in Allerton House, Monticello, Illinois on February 21-24. The purpose of the institute is to provide an opportunity for park and recreation professionals to develop a better understanding of their role in the arts. This year's topics will include creative program planning, promotional techniques, technical needs of the artist, and resources available. A special case study approach will be used for several programming and management problems.

The Arts Committee for the Recreation Section also has developed and The Arts Manual-A working Guide for Park and Recreation Professionals. This publication contains information on the visual and performing arts, ideal facilities, artist needs, performance bookings and much more. For a limited time the manual is available from IPRA at a cost of $7.00.

From IAPD (cont. from p. 17)

5. Emergency Trips to Washington, D.C.

For IAPD staff, IAPD & IPRA representatives. In 1982, three emergency trips were made to Washington, D.C. for testifying and meeting with legislators concerning LAWCON, I-M Canal. Federal Surplus Property, Community Block Grants, and other issues important to Illinois. Estimated cost for 1983 is 52,500.00.

6. Specific Projects proposed by the Joint Legislative Committee and/ or Joint Public Awareness Committee to promote legislative awareness (must be approved bv the IAPD Board of Directors). Estimated cost is $8,000.00.

7. Underwriting a Study of the feasibility of a Political Action Committee to support legislative issues and platform. Estimated cost is $2,000.00.

8. Lobbyist in Washington, D.C. to represent districts throughout the United States — shared cost — estimate from Illinois is $3,000.00.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 18 January/February 1983

We respectfully request that your 1983 budget include a financial contribution to this program or a specific item from the above list. Any contribution that you desire to make will be appreciated.

A thank you is extended to those twenty-nine agencies who contributed in 1982: Addison Park District, Arlington Heights Park District, Batavia Park District, Bloomingdale Park District, Carbondale Park District, Carolstream Park District, Champaign Park District, Deerfield Park District, DeKalb Park District, Downers Grove Park District, Freeport Park District, Park District of Highland Park, Litchfield Park District, Northbrook Park District, Oregon Park District, Palatine Park District, River Trails Park District, Rockford Park District, St. Charles Park District, Skokie Park District, Sterling Park District, Sumner Park District, Vermilion County Conservation District, Westmont Park District, Wheaton Park District, Wheeling Park District, Wilmette Park District, Woodridge Park District, Zion Park District.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 19 January/February 1983

Incoming IAPD President Morgan Powell (right), Champaign, presents a silver champagne bucket to Peter Koukos, Highland Park, outgoing President, and Mrs. (Peg) Koukos, November 20, at IAPD Annual Business Meeting.

Incoming IPRA President David Phillips (left). Wheeling, receives a gavel in a gift box from outgoing President Robin Hall, Urbana, as a symbol of presidential authority.


Annual Conference Draws Nearly 3,000

A total of 2,698 delegates, exhibitors and guests attended the Annual State Conference November 18-21 at the Hyatt Regency O'Hare Hotel, Chicago, making it one of the most successful joint conferences ever held. 120 exhibit booths were sold representing more than 100 companies in the park and recreation field.

Ninety-one educational sessions, two joint awards luncheons, a joint banquet, a casino night, and several pre-convention workshops were conference highlights.

Naomi Walters and Ed Haag co-chaired the conference committee.

Members of the Friends of the Glencoe Community Center and Glencoe Parks along with Tom Richardson (extreme right). Director of the Giencoe Park-Recreation District, are presented group awards at the November 20 Awards luncheon.
The first annual Allan A. Weissburg Commissioner of the Year Award is presented to Robert Nichols, commissioner from Bensenville. Mrs. Helen Weissburg, widow of Mr. Weissburg, assisted in the presentation at the November 19 Awards luncheon.
Gail Loefgren (center), a Commissioner from Rochelle. She was presented an award for her commissioner article published in Illinois Parks & Recreation Magazine. Assisting in the award presentation are Ralph Cianchetti, (left), Highland Park, and Dan Fitz Simmons, Wheaton, both representing the joint IPR Editorial Board.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 20 January/February 1983

Six winners of both IPRA and IAPD awards pose above for the photographer following the Awards luncheons November 19. The award recipients are (left to right): Mick Pope, Elmhurst, IPRA Robert Artz Award; Bob Nichols, Bensenville, IAPD Allan A. Weisshurg Award: Jack Claes, Elk Grove. IPRA Professional Citation Award: Joe Doud, Northhrook, IPRA Fellow Award; Angela Capulli, Arlington Heights, IPRA Professional Citation Award; and Jack Gensler, Naperville, IAPD President's Award.

In photo at right, Norman Smalley (center), commissioner from Elmhurst, receives a framed resolution in recognition of his many years of devoted service to the IAPD. Presenting the resolution are Donald Prindle (left), IAPD Vice President. and Robert Procter, lAPD Board member.

Ira W. Johnson (right, in photo at right), a Board member of the Forest Preserve District of Kane County, receives the IAPD Service Anniversary Award in recognition of 51 years of continuous service to the Forest Preserve, including a perfect Board attendance record for 51 years. Making the presentation at the November 19 luncheon is outgoing IAPD President Peter Koukos.

In photo at far right. Vic Yehling (right), a reporter for the Rockford Register Star, is presented an "Out of the Field" Award for his article entitled "Our Gang Arts Program . . ."at the luncheon on November 20. The article was puhlislied in IPR Magazine. Making the presentation is Ralpli Citinclietti. Highland Park, a representative of the Joint Editorial Board.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 21 January/February 1983

Incoming members of the Board of Directors of the Illinois Park and Recreation Association pose for a photo at the annual board meeting at the Annual Conference. Robin Hall (extreme right, second row), Urbana, is the outgoing President, and Dave Phillips (extreme right, third row), Wheeling, is the new President.

Incoming members of the Board of Directors of the Illinois Association of Park Districts are shown as they assembled for the annual board meeting at the Annual Conference. Peter Koukos. Highland Park (second from left, seated) and Dr. Morgan Powell, Champaign (third from left, seated) are the outgoing and incoming Presidents, respectively.

Denby, the "Recreation Robot, "talks to Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hasselbacher, Rock Falls. Mr. Hasselbacher is Vice President of the Coloma Township Park District.

Park and recreation professionals are shown attending one of the Potpourri sessions at the Annual State Conference held November 18-21 in Chicago.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 22 January/February 1983

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