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About This Issue

The idea for this special issue of IPR on park equipment, facilities and land came out of recent discussions of the Joint Editorial Board. We hope you like the articles. The authors put a considerable amount of time into their preparation and they deserve recognition for their efforts. Why not write a thank you note to some of them, or, in the alternative, write a letter to the editor.

The IPR front cover featuring the neatly constructed entrance to the Flagg-Rochelle swimming and marina facility symbolizes the material side of the operations of a park district. The importance of well maintained facilities and equipment cannot be over-emphasized. Attractive, well managed facilities keep the public coming and that in turn brings in needed revenue from fee-supported activities. Good management is the name of the game, as author Steve Plumb points out in his excellent article on a Park Maintenance Management System (PMMS).

A considerable amount of time and effort also went into contacting prospective advertisers for this issue. We firmly believe that the advertisement of products and services used by leisure agencies aids the magazine's readers. It is our goal to expand our advertising program. We believe both advertisers and readers benefit from this form of communication.

Please note that this issue of IPR contains a detachable advertiser reader card. We urge you to circle the numbers of those advertisers whose products or services interest you, and mail in the card. Also note that the opposite detachable card contains information about binders and subscription to the IPR. We hope you will take advantage of this service we are offering.

—Virgil E. Tipton Jr., Editor

Illinois Parks and Recreation   7   March/April 1983

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