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Park Districts urged to join in promoting state-wide observance.


By Tammy Bollinger

In early fall of 1982, the IPRA Board approved a proposal from the Arts in Recreation committee to implement a new statewide special project "Arts In the Park" month, in the summer of 1983. The project's primary purpose is to gain the support of all IPRA members in implementation of the arts into park district programming.

Because the promotional scope of "Arts In The Park" Month is on a statewide basis, the committee has been developed under the direction of the IPRA Public Awareness Committee. Co-Chairpersons Tammy Bollinger and Sandy Young have joined forces with representatives from several IPRA sections and affiliate organizations, including the Parks section, Theraputic section, Recreation Programming section, Special Facilities section. Arts in Recreation section and South Suburban Parks and Recreation Association.

The project's main intent is to expose people who do not usually participate in art activities to a quality art experience. Summer has been selected because it is the time that park districts serve their largest captive audiences, i.e. day camps, softball, aquatics. This abundance of diversified leisure activities provides the perfect opportunity to encourage arts programming in conjunction with general programs. There is no need to plan "new" programs. "Arts In The Park" Month is designed to use EXISTING programs and enhance them by incorporating a planned professional art additive.

Now is the time to start thinking about what can be done during "Arts In The Park" Month, July 1983. Here are several suggestions:

Rotating Camp Art Specialist. Hire a camp leader who has a strong background in art, such as drawing and painting, sculpture, theatre or dance. This person can spend time at each camp site leading art activities.

4th of July. Give it the "Arts In The Park" theme, featuring, performances from your dance and/or theatre classes, or contract a professional group.

Workshops. Hold existing children and adult art and craft workshops outside. Give it an "Arts In The Park" Month theme.

Painted Faces. Paint the faces of class participants and day campers to look like mime artists.

Field Trip. Run a camp trip or family trip to a cultural event, like Marriots Children Theatre, Art Institute or Frank Lloyd Wrights's home.

Art Exhibit. Ask a local artist to exhibit his works, along with pieces from art classes, at a Park District facility.

Concert Series Announcement. Announce at your concerts that July is "Arts In The Park" Month, give a brief explanation and post a sign or banner.

Banner Bazaar. Day camps or art classes design a banner to be displayed at a park district facility.

Soccer Painting. Have soccer participants paint watercolor on the soccer balls for one game. Post a sign stating "Arts In The Park" Month.

Softball and Music Go-Togethers.

Illinois Parks and Recreation   16   March/April 1983

At a softball tournament have an easy listening rock band or a barber shop quartet perform, hang the sign "Arts In The Park" Month on the backstop or accompany the umpire with a mime artist.

Name Tags. Have all recreation, park, day camp and aquatic staff and instructors wear name tags or buttons that say - HAVE A FUN "ARTS IN THE PARK" MONTH.

Therapeutic Painting. Paint a mural using texture to designate color areas for the blind.

Pool Chalk Drawing Contest. Use the guards as judges as participants draw inside a given space.

Park Sculpture. Build a sculpture in the park with wood scraps. Have participants "build on" to it.

These are just a few of the many ideas for "Arts In The Park" Month. These suggestions apply to all areas of park districts programming, not exclusively to the arts. Keep in mind that these activities, as well as any others, should be well thought out and include the input of a qualified artist.

"Arts In The Park" Month is being funded by donations from the IPRA Recreation Programming Section, Suburban Parks Recreation Association and North Shore Round Table.

For further information or detailed ideas, contact: Tammy Bollinger, Hoffman Estates Park District, 650 W. Higgins, Hoffman Estates, IL 60195 (312-885-7500); or Sandy Young, Bensenville Park District, 161 N. Church Road, Bensenville, IL 60106(312-766-7015).

Illinois Parks and Recreation   17   March/April 1983

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