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Story by Pat Landen and photos by Theresa Staley and Craig Stockel

Tug-of-war was just one of many old-fashioned games Youngsters were able to participate in during the Peoria Park District's Old-Fashioned Sunday.


And An Old-Fashioned Sunday In The Park


(left) "Ice skating" in the summer was one of the unique activities provided for kids attending the Old-Fashioned Sunday. Large plastic panels covered with an oil-water mixture allowed young skaters to try out their skills on the "ice."

(right) Oops! A logroller (above right) loses his balance in the Old Fashioned Sunday logrolling contest and gets a sudden dunking in Glen Oak lagoon. Some skilled logrollers jumped rope and demonstrated other skills on the logs.


Peoria PARK-ticipates!

More than 15,000 people converged on Glen Oak Park June 5 to PARK-ticipate in the Peoria Park Districts' annual Old Fashioned Sunday. Truly, it was a celebration for "Lite. Be "In It."

Old fashioned games — tug-of-war, sack races and spin the hoop were popular family encounters. In the lagoon, skilled log-rollers jumped rope and performed other feats, despite a dunking now and then.

Mountain dulcimers, and country and blue grass music echoed through the park. The River Valley doggers and Park Promenaders set a lot of toes a-tapping. Around the log cabin shelter, old fashioned crafts of leather working, weaving, basketry, spinning, and caning attracted many spectators. Woodcarving, blacksmithing and sheepshearing were also demonstrated. Needlecralts, candlewicking, oil painting and tin punching delighted other viewers.

The aroma of butterfly pork chops attracted hundreds to the Peoria "Pork" District concession stand. Rootbeer was served at the "Short Branch Saloon" and hundreds of funnel cakes and elephant ears were consumed.

The Old Fashioned event is strictly a volunteer project staged annually by the Peoria Park staff on the first Sunday in June. This year's event served as the kick-off for the Peoria observance of National Park and Recreation month.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 12 July/August 1983

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