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Governor Announces Kickoff Of Prairie State Games

Governor Thompson announced the kickoff of statewide fund-raising efforts June 10 at the Governor's Mansion for the Prairie State Games, Illinois' version of the 1984 Olympics.

More than 40 leading corporation representatives and 30 other interested persons from across Illinois attended the kickoff. The target for fundraising is $250,000 for the not-for-profit games, which are scheduled to begin in mid-July, 1984. The 1984 games are tentatively scheduled to be held at the University of Illinois.

Thompson said the Governor's Council on Health and Fitness is being joined by the United States Olympic Committee, the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports and athletic groups across the state in developing the games.

The games will receive no state subsidy — funding will be accepted in the form of gifts and sponsorship from the private sector.

The games will be organized and conducted under the auspices of the Governor's Council, which is headed by James Listen Jr.

Plans currently call for 14 events in the first games, including archery, basketball, boxing, diving, fencing, gymnastics, judo, shooting sports, soccer, swimming, track and field, volley ball, weightlifting and wrestling.

Fun, Fitness and Fulfillment Await Senior Athletes

The 1983 Illinois Senior Olympics will be held in Springfield, Illinois on September 23, 24, 25, 1983. This year's program will be bigger and better than the past six years. Shown is a scene of an event — the walkathon —from last year's Olympics.

There is promise of "fun, fitness and fulfillment" for every entrant. With 40 different events for both men and women, and judging in five-year age splits (55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, etc.), everyone will have ample opportunity to compete.

Hundreds of men and women from Waukegan to Cairo, and from Iowa to Indiana, have taken part in the first six Senior Olympics.

Besides track and field events, and swimming competition, there will be hiking, tennis, golf, bowling, horseshoes, shuffleboard, casting, table tennis and many more fun-filled competitions.

The registration deadline is September 13, 1983. For further information and entry forms, contact Illinois Senior Olympics, c/o Springfield Recreation Department, 1415 N. Grand Avenue East, Springfield, IL 62702, (217)789-2284.

Renowned Artists Attend Carillon Festival

Renowned carillonists from the Netherlands, Belgium and several states in the U.S. performed at the 22nd Annual International Carillon Festival held June 11-18 at Washington Park in Springfield. The instrument used, the Thomas Rees Memorial Carillon, is one of the finest carillons in the world. It was dedicated in 1972.

Large crowds attended each of the evening concerts held during the festival. One of the principal performances was a rendition of Tschaikovsky's 1812 Overture played with the Springfield Municipal Band.

Springfield Park District was a co-sponsor of the festival.

Commonwealth Edison Donates Blackball Mine Area to DOC

A 211-acre LaSalle County tract having significant natural values, including habitat for endangered and threatened species of plants and mammals, has been given to the Department of Conservation by Commonwealth Edison Co.

Conservation Director David Kenney said the site, known as Pecumsaugan Creek / Blackball Mine Area, contains a subsurface cement rock mine that was abandoned at the turn of the century and since has become the largest hibernation roost for bats in Illinois.

Along with the Indiana bat, listed as both an Illinois and federal Endangered Species, the mine's occupants include big brown, little brown, Keen's and eastern pipestrelle bats. Blackball Mine's interconnecting passages lie under about 40 acres of the site.

The surface area supports a population of timber rattlesnakes and three plant species included on the Illinois threatened species list — ginseng, cliff goldenrod and red-berried elder. The site is covered by an upland forest.

Governor's Conference on Handicapped Fitness

A conference on handicapped fitness will be presented by the Governor's Council on Health and Fitness and co-sponsored by the Illinois Parks and Recreation Association and the Illinois Association of Health, Physical Education and Recreation on September 9 & 10 at the Schaumburg Marriott Hotel. Dr. Julian Stein of George Mason University and Dr. Dean Berkley of Indiana University will be the featured keynote speakers.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 33 July/August 1983

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